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Scipy.sparse CSC矩阵性能

[英]Scipy.sparse CSC-matrix performance

我目前正在尝试使用隐式欧拉求解某些方程。 由于我对Fortran感到无聊,所以我认为最好是使用Python尝试一下,看看从现有的性能来看,与现有的Fortran程序之间的距离有多近。 对于我的问题,我想利用稀疏矩阵。 我遇到了程序的当前瓶颈是初始化稀疏矩阵并从对角线中减去一些东西。


import numpy                as np
from scipy.sparse           import csc_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg    import spsolve
from timeit                 import default_timer

# Example data for Sparse Matrix in CSC format
data = np.array([ -6.07315337e+07,  -1.08191534e+06,  -5.85677031e+07, \
               5.96496184e+07,   1.99723260e+07,  -3.99136095e+07, \
              -3.10384281e+04,   1.99412852e+07,   3.10384281e+04, \
               4.14012789e+04,  -4.13845644e+04,  -4.14179805e+04, \
               4.13845708e+04,   1.67016486e+01,   6.40664368e+03, \
              -1.21556953e+02,   6.28508672e+03,  -6.40664368e+03, \
               1.21556953e+02,   1.87698938e-03,   1.87698938e-03, \
              -1.87698938e-03,   6.17782975e-05,   6.17782975e-05, \
              -6.17782975e-05,   3.23024684e+00,   3.23024684e+00, \
              -3.23024684e+00,   1.59838512e+00,   1.59838512e+00, \
              -1.59838512e+00,   1.96353333e-02,   1.96353333e-02, \
              -1.96353333e-02,   4.25269958e+01,   4.25269958e+01, \
              -4.25269958e+01,   4.84489810e-06,   4.84489810e-06, \
              -4.84489810e-06,   2.54951658e-07,   2.54951658e-07, \
              -2.54951658e-07,   6.42250438e-08,   6.42250438e-08, \

indices = np.array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  0,\
                     1,  2,  4,  5,  0,  1,  2,  3,  5,  0,\
                     3,  4,  0,  4,  5,  0,  5,  6,  0,  6,\
                     7,  0,  7,  8,  0,  8,  9,  0,  9, 10,\
                     0, 10, 11,  0, 11, 12], dtype=np.int32)

indptr = np.array([ 0,  4,  9, 14, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34,\
                   37, 40, 43, 46], dtype=np.int32)

# Stop the time to initialize the Sparse matrix in CSC-format
start = default_timer()
for i in range(10000):
    J = csc_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(13, 13))
stop = default_timer()
print 'Initialize:'.ljust(15),stop - start

# Set the diagonal of the matrix. The diagonal is in principle known.
start = default_timer()
for i in range(10000):
    J.setdiag(1./1e-10 + J.diagonal())
stop = default_timer()
print 'Set diagonal:'.ljust(15), stop - start

# Set an array to solve something
b = np.array([ -4.16737068e+05, 8.32180182e+05, 1.29378997e+03,\
                0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00,\
                0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00,\

# Stop the time to solve the system
start = default_timer()
for i in range(10000):
    x = spsolve(J,b)
stop = default_timer()
print 'Solve:'.ljust(15), stop - start

我知道更改矩阵的稀疏度通常很昂贵。 原则上,我知道对角线的索引,但是一旦将数据存储在scipy csc_matrix中,我就不知道如何更改数据。 但是,矩阵的初始化几乎和解决系统一样昂贵吗? 对我而言,示例程序的输出为:




有没有办法绕过稀疏的稀疏矩阵或加快速度呢? 我曾考虑过直接打电话给Pardiso,但对我来说,这似乎很复杂。

仅初始化一次scipy.sparse.csc_matrix实例一次,可以大大减少计算时间。 而不是写作

J = csc_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(13, 13))


J.data = data
J.indices = indices
J.indptr = indptr



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