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scipy.optimize.minimize 太慢了。 我怎样才能加快速度

[英]scipy.optimize.minimize is too slow. How can I speed up

我正在将 IDL 代码(由 Oleg Kochukhov 编写)转换为 Python。 该代码使用 Tikhonov 或最大熵方法生成光谱线轮廓上的星表面图。

我使用 scipy.optimize.minimize 生成在线轮廓上的地图。 但过程太慢,结果不兼容。 我在互联网上搜索解决方案,但我没有找到任何有用的解决方案。


import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec

#syc = 0

def DI_GridInit(ntot):
    # generate stellar surface grid

    nlat = int(round(0.5 * (1.0 + np.sqrt(1.0 + np.pi * ntot))) - 1)
    nlon = np.zeros(nlat, dtype=int)
    xlat = np.pi * (np.arange(nlat, dtype=float) + 0.5) / nlat - np.pi / 2.0
    xcirc = 2.0 * np.cos(xlat[1:])
    nlon[1:] = np.around(xcirc * nlat) + 1
    nlon[0] = ntot - sum(nlon[1:])

    if abs(nlon[0] - nlon[nlat - 1]) > nlat:
        nlon[1:] = nlon[1:] + (nlon[0] - nlon[nlat - 1]) / nlat
    nlon[0] = ntot - sum(nlon[1:])

    if nlon[0] < nlon[nlat - 1]:
        nlon[1:] = nlon[1:] - 1
    nlon[0] = ntot - sum(nlon[1:])

    # generate Descartes coordinates for the surface grid in
    # stellar coordinates, areas of surface elements and
    # regularization indices: (lower, upper, right, left)

    x0, j = np.zeros((ntot, 3), dtype=float), 0
    latitude, longitude = np.zeros(ntot, dtype=float), np.zeros(ntot, dtype=float)
    sa, ireg = np.zeros(ntot, dtype=float), np.zeros((ntot, 4), dtype=int)
    slt = np.hstack((0., (xlat[1:nlat] + xlat[0:nlat - 1]) / 2. + np.pi / 2., np.pi))

    for i in range(nlat):
        coslat = np.cos(xlat[i])
        sinlat = np.sin(xlat[i])
        xlon = 2 * np.pi * (np.arange(nlon[i]) + 0.5) / nlon[i]
        sinlon = np.sin(xlon)
        coslon = np.cos(xlon)
        x0[:, 0][j:j + nlon[i]] = coslat * sinlon
        x0[:, 1][j:j + nlon[i]] = -coslat * coslon
        x0[:, 2][j:j + nlon[i]] = sinlat
        latitude[j:j + nlon[i]] = xlat[i]
        longitude[j:j + nlon[i]] = xlon
        sa[j:j + nlon[i]] = 2. * np.pi * (np.cos(slt[i]) - np.cos(slt[i + 1])) / nlon[i]
        ireg[:, 2][j:j + nlon[i]] = np.roll(j + np.arange(nlon[i], dtype=int), -1)
        ireg[:, 3][j:j + nlon[i]] = np.roll(j + np.arange(nlon[i], dtype=int), 1)

        if (i > 0):
            il_lo = j - nlon[i - 1] + np.arange(nlon[i - 1], dtype=int)
            il_lo = j + nlon[i] + np.arange(nlon[i + 1], dtype=int)

        if (i < nlat - 1):
            il_up = j + nlon[i] + np.arange(nlon[i + 1], dtype=int)
            il_up = il_lo

        for k in range(j, j + nlon[i]):
            dlat_lo = longitude[k] - longitude[il_lo]
            ll = np.argmin(abs(dlat_lo))
            ireg[k][0] = il_lo[ll]
            dlat_up = longitude[k] - longitude[il_up]
            ll = np.argmin(abs(dlat_up))
            ireg[k][1] = il_up[ll]

        j += nlon[i]

    theta = np.arccos(x0[:, 2])
    phi = np.arctan2(x0[:, 0], -x0[:, 1])
    ii = np.argwhere(phi < 0).T[0]
    nii = len(ii)
    phi[ii] = 2.0 * np.pi - abs(phi[ii]) if nii else None

    grid = {'ntot': ntot, 'nlat': nlat, 'nlon': nlon, 'xyz': x0, 'lat': latitude,
            'lon': longitude, 'area': sa, 'ireg': ireg, 'phi': phi, 'theta': theta}

    return grid

def DI_Map(grid, spots):
    map = np.ones(grid['ntot'], dtype=float)

    for i in range(spots['n']):
        dlon = grid['lon'] - np.deg2rad(spots['tbl'][i, 0])
        dlat = grid['lat'] - np.deg2rad(spots['tbl'][i, 1])
        da = (2.0 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(np.sin(0.5 * dlat) ** 2 +
                                      np.cos(np.deg2rad(spots['tbl'][i, 1])) *
                                      np.cos(grid['lat']) * np.sin(0.5 * dlon) ** 2)))
        ii = np.argwhere(da <= np.deg2rad(spots['tbl'][i, 2])).T[0]
        ni = len(ii)

        map[ii] = spots['tbl'][i, 3] if ni > 0 else None

    return map

def DI_Prf(grid, star, map, phase=None, vv=None, vr=None, nonoise=None):

    # velocity array
    if vv is not None:
        nv = len(vv)
        nv = int(np.ceil(2.0 * star['vrange'] / star['vstep']))
        vv = -star['vrange'] + np.arange(nv, dtype=float) * star['vstep']

    # phase array
    if phase is None:
        phase = np.arange(star['nphases'], dtype=float) / star['nphases']

    # velocity correction for each phase
    vr = np.zeros(star['nphases'], dtype=float) if vr == None else None

    # fixed trigonometric quantities
    cosi = np.cos(np.deg2rad(star['incl'])); sini = np.sin(np.deg2rad(star['incl']))
    coslat = np.cos(grid['lat']); sinlat = np.sin(grid['lat'])

    # FWHM to Gaussian sigma
    sigm = star['fwhm'] / np.sqrt(8.0 * np.log(2.0))
    isig = (-0.5 / sigm ** 2)

    # initialize line profile and integrated field arrays
    prf = np.zeros((nv, len(phase)), dtype=float)

    # gradient if called with 5 - variable input
    grad = np.zeros((nv, len(phase), grid['ntot']), dtype=float)

    # phase loop
    for i in range(len(phase)):
        coslon = np.cos(grid['lon'] + 2.0 * np.pi * phase[i])
        sinlon = np.sin(grid['lon'] + 2.0 * np.pi * phase[i])
        mu = sinlat * cosi + coslat * sini * coslon
        ivis = np.argwhere(mu > 0.).T[0]
        dv = -sinlon[ivis] * coslat[ivis] * star['vsini']
        avis = grid['area'][ivis] * mu[ivis] * (1.0 - star['limbd'] + star['limbd'] * mu[ivis])

        if star['type'] == 0:
            wgt = avis * map[ivis]
            wgtn = sum(wgt)

            for j in range(nv):
                plc = 1.0 - star['d'] * np.exp(isig * (vv[j] + dv - vr[i]) ** 2)
                prf[j][i] = sum(wgt * plc) / wgtn
                grad[j][i][ivis] = avis * plc / wgtn - avis * prf[j][i] / wgtn

        elif star['type'] == 1:
            wgt = avis
            wgtn = sum(wgt)

            for j in range(nv):
                plc = 1.0 - map[ivis] * star['d'] * np.exp(isig * (vv[j] + dv - vr[i]) ** 2)
                prf[j][i] = sum(wgt * plc) / wgtn
                grad[j][i][ivis] = -wgt / wgtn * star['d'] * np.exp(isig * (vv[j] + dv - vr[i]) ** 2)

    # output structure
    syn = {'v': vv, 'phase': phase, 'prf': prf}

    # add noise
    if star['snr'] != -1 and nonoise != None:
        obs = syn['prf'] * 0.0

        for i in range(star['nphases']):
            obs[:, i] = syn['prf'][:, i] + np.random.standard_normal((len(syn['v']),)) / star['snr']

        syn['obs'] = obs

    return syn, grad

def DI_func(cmap, functargs):
    # global syc

    star = functargs['star']
    grid = functargs['grid']
    obs = functargs['obs']
    invp = functargs['invp']

    nv = len(obs['v'])
    er = 1.0 / abs(star['snr'])

    if 'vr' in obs.keys():
        syn, grad = DI_Prf(grid, star, cmap, phase=obs['phase'], vv=obs['v'], vr=obs['vr'])
        syn, grad = DI_Prf(grid, star, cmap, phase=obs['phase'], vv=obs['v'])

    # shf = 0
    # for i in range(len(obs['phase'])):
    #     plt.plot(obs['v'], obs['obs'][:, i] + shf, 'bo')
    #     plt.plot(obs['v'], syn['prf'][:, i] + shf, 'r')
    #     plt.plot(obs['v'], obs['obs'][:, i] - syn['prf'][:, i] + shf, 'k')
    #     shf += 0.1
    # plt.show()

    fchi = 0.0
    sign = (-1) ** invp['regtype']
    for i in range(star['nphases']):
        fchi = fchi + sign * sum((syn['prf'][:, i] - obs['obs'][:, i]) ** 2 / er ** 2) / nv

    freg = 0
    if invp['lambda'] > 0:
        if invp['regtype'] == 0:
            ir = grid['ireg']
            for k in range(len(ir[0, :])):
                freg = freg + invp['lambda'] / grid['ntot'] * sum((cmap - cmap[ir[:, k]]) ** 2)

        elif invp['regtype'] == 1:
            mmap = sum(cmap) / grid['ntot']
            nmap = cmap / mmap
            freg = freg - invp['lambda'] / grid['ntot'] * sum(nmap * np.log(nmap))

    ftot = fchi + freg

    syn['obs'] = obs['obs']

    # syc += 1
    # if syc % 1000 == 0:
    #     plotting(grid, cmap, syn, star['incl'], typ=star['type'])
    # print(syc, ftot, sum(cmap))

    return ftot

def plotting(grid, map, syn, incl, typ):
    nlon = grid['nlon']

    nln = max(nlon)
    nlt = len(nlon)
    ll = np.zeros(nlt + 1, dtype=int)
    ll[0] = 0

    for i in range(nlt):
        ll[i + 1] = ll[i] + nlon[i]

    map1 = np.zeros((nlt, nln), dtype=float)
    x = np.arange(nln, dtype=float) + 0.5

    for i in range(nlt):
        lll = ((np.arange(nlon[i] + 2, dtype=float) - 0.5) * nln) / nlon[i]
        y = np.hstack((map[ll[i + 1] - 1], map[ll[i]:ll[i+1]-1], map[ll[i]]))

        for j in range(nln):
            imin = np.argmin(abs(x[j] - lll))
            map1[i, j] = y[imin]

    light = (190 * (map1 - np.min(map1)) / (np.max(map1) - np.min(map1))) + 50

    light_rect = np.flipud(light)

    if typ == 0:
        cmap = 'gray'
        cmap = 'gray_r'

    fig = plt.figure()
    spec = gridspec.GridSpec(ncols=3, nrows=3, left=0.10, right=0.98,
                             top=0.97, bottom=0.07, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.36)
    # naive IDW-like interpolation on regular grid
    shape = light.shape
    nrows, ncols = (shape[0], shape[1])
    lon, lat = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 360, ncols), np.linspace(-90, 90, nrows))
    for i, item in enumerate([[(0, 0), -0], [(0, 1), -90], [(1, 0,), -180], [(1, 1), -270]]):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(spec[item[0]])
        # set up map projection
        m = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=90 - incl, lon_0=item[1], ax=ax)
        # draw lat/lon grid lines every 30 degrees.
        m.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 30))
        m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 30))
        # compute native map projection coordinates of lat/lon grid.
        x, y = m(lon, lat)
        # contour data over the map.
        m.contourf(x, y, light, 15, vmin=0., vmax=255., cmap=cmap)

        if i in [0, 2]:
            x2, y2 = m(180 - item[1], incl)
            x2, y2 = m(180 + item[1], incl)
        x1, y1 = (-10, 5)

        ax.annotate(str('%0.2f' % (abs(item[1]) / 360.)), xy=(x2, y2),  xycoords='data',
            xytext=(x1, y1), textcoords='offset points',

    ax5 = fig.add_subplot(spec[-1, :2])

    ax5.imshow(light_rect, vmin=0., vmax=255., cmap=cmap, interpolation='none', extent=[0, 360, -90, 90])
    ax5.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 420, 60))
    ax5.set_yticks(np.arange(-90, 120, 30))
    ax5.set_xlabel('Longitude ($^\circ$)', fontsize=7)
    ax5.set_ylabel('Latitude ($^\circ$)', fontsize=7)

    ax6 = fig.add_subplot(spec[0:, 2])
    shf = 0.0
    for i in range(len(syn['phase'])):
        ax6.plot(syn['v'], syn['obs'][:, -i - 1] + shf, 'bo', ms=2)
        ax6.plot(syn['v'], syn['prf'][:, -i - 1] + shf, 'r', linewidth=1)
        ax6.text(min(syn['v']), max(syn['obs'][:, -i - 1] + shf), str('%0.2f' % syn['phase'][-i - 1]),

        shf += 0.1

    p1 = ax6.lines[0]
    p2 = ax6.lines[-1]
    p1datay = p1.get_ydata()
    p1datax = p1.get_xdata()
    p2datay = p2.get_ydata()

    y1, y2 = min(p1datay) - min(p1datay) / 20.,max(p2datay) + min(p1datay) / 10.
    ax6.set_ylim([y1, y2])
    ax6.set_xlabel('V ($km s^{-1}$)', fontsize=7)
    ax6.set_ylabel('I / Ic', fontsize=7)
    max_ = int(max(p1datax))
    ax6.set_xticks([-max_, np.floor(-max_ / 2.), 0.0, np.ceil(max_ / 2.), max_])


if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Star parameters
    star = {'ntot': 1876, 'type': 0, 'incl': 70, 'vsini': 50, 'fwhm': 7.0, 'd': 0.6,
            'limbd': 0.5, 'nphases': 5, 'vrange': np.sqrt(50 ** 2 + 7.0 ** 2) * 1.4,
            'vstep': 1.0, 'snr': 500}

    # Spot parameters
    lon_spot = [40, 130, 220, 310]
    lat_spot = [-30, 0, 60, 30]
    r_spot = [20, 20, 20, 20]
    c_spot = [0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3]

    tbl = np.array([lon_spot, lat_spot, r_spot, c_spot]).T
    spots = {'n': len(lon_spot), 'type': star['type'], 'tbl': tbl}

    # Generate grid
    grid = DI_GridInit(star['ntot'])

    # Generate map
    cmap = DI_Map(grid, spots)

    # Generate spectral line profiles
    csyn, grad = DI_Prf(grid, star, cmap, nonoise=True)

    # Plotting map and line profiles
    plotting(grid, cmap, csyn, star['incl'], star['type'])

    # Generate map over the line profiles using scipy.optimize.minimize
    invp = {'lambda': 20, 'regtype': 0, 'maxiter': 10}
    grid_inv = DI_GridInit(star['ntot'])
    functargs = {'star': star, 'grid': grid_inv, 'obs': csyn, 'invp': invp}

    cmap = np.ones(star['ntot'])
    cmap[0] = 0.99

    bnd = list(zip(np.zeros(len(cmap), dtype=float), np.ones(len(cmap), dtype=float)))

    minimize(DI_func, cmap, args=functargs, method='TNC', bounds=bnd,
             callback=None, options={'eps': 0.1, 'maxiter': 5, 'disp': True})


'DI_GridInit' : 为地图生成网格

'DI_Map' : 根据星点参数(如经度、纬度、半径和对比度)生成星面图

'DI_Prf' : 根据地图生成谱线轮廓

现在我想获得生成和噪声线轮廓的表面贴图。 我使用 scipy.optimize.minimize (TNC 方法)来获取表面贴图。 我在最小化中使用“DI_func”作为函数。 但是“最小化”太慢了。 问题是什么。 我怎样才能加快这个速度。


def DI_Prf(grid, star, map, phase=None, vv=None, vr=None, nonoise=None):

    # velocity array
    if vv is not None:
        nv = len(vv)
        nv = int(np.ceil(2.0 * star['vrange'] / star['vstep']))
        vv = -star['vrange'] + np.arange(nv, dtype=float) * star['vstep']

    # phase array
    if phase is None:
        phase = np.arange(star['nphases'], dtype=float) / star['nphases']

    # velocity correction for each phase
    vr = np.zeros(star['nphases'], dtype=float) if vr == None else None

    # fixed trigonometric quantities
    cosi = np.cos(np.deg2rad(star['incl'])); sini = np.sin(np.deg2rad(star['incl']))
    coslat = np.cos(grid['lat']); sinlat = np.sin(grid['lat'])

    # FWHM to Gaussian sigma
    sigm = star['fwhm'] / np.sqrt(8.0 * np.log(2.0))
    isig = (-0.5 / sigm ** 2)

    # initialize line profile and integrated field arrays
    prf = np.zeros((nv, len(phase)), dtype=float)

    # gradient if called with 5 - variable input
    grad = np.zeros((nv, len(phase), grid['ntot']), dtype=float)

    # phase loop
    for i in range(len(phase)):
        coslon = np.cos(grid['lon'] + 2.0 * np.pi * phase[i])
        sinlon = np.sin(grid['lon'] + 2.0 * np.pi * phase[i])
        mu = sinlat * cosi + coslat * sini * coslon
        ivis = np.argwhere(mu > 0.).T[0]
        dv = -sinlon[ivis] * coslat[ivis] * star['vsini']
        avis = grid['area'][ivis] * mu[ivis] * (1.0 - star['limbd'] + star['limbd'] * mu[ivis])

        if star['type'] == 0:
            wgt = avis * map[ivis]
            wgtn = sum(wgt)

            #for j in range(nv):
            #    plc = 1.0 - star['d'] * np.exp(isig * (vv[j] + dv - vr[i]) ** 2)
            #    prf[j][i] = sum(wgt * plc) / wgtn
            #    grad[j][i][ivis] = avis * plc / wgtn - avis * prf[j][i] / wgtn

            plc = 1.0 - star['d'] * np.exp(isig * (vv[:, np.newaxis] + dv[np.newaxis, :] - vr[i]) ** 2)
            prf[:, i] = np.sum(wgt * plc, axis=1) / wgtn
            grad[:, i, ivis] = avis * plc / wgtn - (avis[:, np.newaxis]*prf[:, i]).T / wgtn

        elif star['type'] == 1:
            wgt = avis
            wgtn = sum(wgt)

            for j in range(nv):  # to be modified too
                plc = 1.0 - map[ivis] * star['d'] * np.exp(isig * (vv[j] + dv - vr[i]) ** 2)
                prf[j][i] = sum(wgt * plc) / wgtn
                grad[j][i][ivis] = -wgt / wgtn * star['d'] * np.exp(isig * (vv[j] + dv - vr[i]) ** 2)

    # output structure
    syn = {'v': vv, 'phase': phase, 'prf': prf}

    # add noise
    if star['snr'] != -1 and nonoise != None:

        #for i in range(star['nphases']):
        obs = syn['prf'] + np.random.standard_normal(size=syn['prf'].shape) / star['snr']

        syn['obs'] = obs

    return syn, grad

它将时间减少了 3:

syn, grad = DI_Prf(grid, star, cmap, phase=obs['phase'], vv=obs['v'])
# 127 ms ± 2.61 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
# 40.7 ms ± 683 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

Numpy 的主要思想是不使用循环,而是使用多维数组,并使用广播功能。


fchi = 0.0
for i in range(star['nphases']):
    fchi = fchi + sign * sum((syn['prf'][:, i] - obs['obs'][:, i]) ** 2 / er ** 2) / nv


fchi = sign / nv / er ** 2 * np.sum( np.sum((syn['prf'] - obs['obs']) ** 2, axis=1 ) )


这里的改进不是很大,因为star['nphases']很小,但它对于另一个轴来说相对重要。 您可以进一步删除DI_Prf各阶段的 for 循环,但这需要一些思考


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