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[英]Derivative of softmax function in Python

下面是神经网络的 softmax 激活函数。 这个函数的导数是多少?

def softmax(z):
   e = np.exp(z)
   return e / np.sum(e, axis=1)

softmax 导数的迭代版本

import numpy as np

def softmax_grad(s): 
    # Take the derivative of softmax element w.r.t the each logit which is usually Wi * X
    # input s is softmax value of the original input x. 
    # s.shape = (1, n) 
    # i.e. s = np.array([0.3, 0.7]), x = np.array([0, 1])

    # initialize the 2-D jacobian matrix.
    jacobian_m = np.diag(s)

    for i in range(len(jacobian_m)):
        for j in range(len(jacobian_m)):
            if i == j:
                jacobian_m[i][j] = s[i] * (1-s[i])
                jacobian_m[i][j] = -s[i]*s[j]
    return jacobian_m


def softmax_grad(softmax):
    # Reshape the 1-d softmax to 2-d so that np.dot will do the matrix multiplication
    s = softmax.reshape(-1,1)
    return np.diagflat(s) - np.dot(s, s.T)

参考https : //medium.com/@aerinykim/how-to-implement-the-softmax-derivative-independently-from-any-loss-function-ae6d44363a9d

假设您有一个形状为 (N, 1) 的数组

import numpy as np

def softmax(x):
    return np.exp(x) / np.sum(np.exp(x))

def softmax_dash(x):
    I = np.eye(x.shape[0])
    return softmax(x) * (I - softmax(x).T)



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