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如何在 data.frame 中创建一个新列,以便该列计算该 data.frame 中不同行的数量?

[英]How to make a new column in a data.frame so that column counts the number of different row in that data.frame?

我有一个像这样的巨大 data.frame。

首先,如何将新列“date1”添加到此 data.frame 中,以便该列计算此 data.frame 中 UNIQUE 不同日期的数量,然后在该新创建的列中按升序排列。

其次,如何将另一列“date2”添加到此 data.frame 中,以便该列计算一天中不同的 id 总数?

    year  month day id
    2011    1   5   31
    2011    1   14  22
    2011    2   6   28
    2011    2   17  41
    2011    3   9   55
    2011    1   5   34
    2011    1   14  25
    2011    2   6   36
    2011    2   17  11
    2011    3   12  10

我期望的结果看起来像这样。 请帮忙!

    year month day  id date1 date2
    2011    1   5   31  1     2
    2011    1   14  22  2     2
    2011    2   6   28  3     2
    2011    2   17  41  4     2
    2011    3   9   55  5     1
    2011    1   5   34  1     2
    2011    1   14  25  2     2
    2011    2   6   36  3     2
    2011    2   17  11  4     2
    2011    3   12  10  6     1



df %>%
  unite(date, year, month, day, sep = "-", remove = FALSE) %>%
  mutate(date1 = as.integer(factor(date,level = unique(date)))) %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  mutate(date2 = n_distinct(id)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%

#    year month   day    id date1 date2
#   <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
# 1  2011     1     5    31     1     2
# 2  2011     1    14    22     2     2
# 3  2011     2     6    28     3     2
# 4  2011     2    17    41     4     2
# 5  2011     3     9    55     5     1
# 6  2011     1     5    34     1     2
# 7  2011     1    14    25     2     2
# 8  2011     2     6    36     3     2
# 9  2011     2    17    11     4     2
#10  2011     3    12    10     6     1

我们可以在更紧凑做到这一点tidyverse通过获取group_indices在“年”,“月”,“日”的group_by ,然后创建“日期2”作为“身份证”的不同元素的数量( n_distinct

df1 %>% 
     group_by(date1 = group_indices(., year, month, day)) %>% 
     mutate(date2 = n_distinct(id))
# A tibble: 10 x 6
# Groups:   date1 [6]
#    year month   day    id date1 date2
#   <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
# 1  2011     1     5    31     1     2
# 2  2011     1    14    22     2     2
# 3  2011     2     6    28     3     2
# 4  2011     2    17    41     4     2
# 5  2011     3     9    55     5     1
# 6  2011     1     5    34     1     2
# 7  2011     1    14    25     2     2
# 8  2011     2     6    36     3     2
# 9  2011     2    17    11     4     2
#10  2011     3    12    10     6     1


setDT(df1)[, date1 := .GRP, .(year, month, day)][, date2 := uniqueN(id), date1][]
#     year month day id date1 date2
# 1: 2011     1   5 31     1     2
# 2: 2011     1  14 22     2     2
# 3: 2011     2   6 28     3     2
# 4: 2011     2  17 41     4     2
# 5: 2011     3   9 55     5     1
# 6: 2011     1   5 34     1     2
# 7: 2011     1  14 25     2     2
# 8: 2011     2   6 36     3     2
# 9: 2011     2  17 11     4     2
#10: 2011     3  12 10     6     1

或者这可以通过base R interactionave来完成

df1$date1 <- with(df1, as.integer(interaction(year, month, day, 
         drop = TRUE, lex.order = TRUE)))
df1$date2 <- with(df1, ave(id, date1, FUN = function(x) length(unique(x))))


df1 <- structure(list(year = c(2011L, 2011L, 2011L, 2011L, 2011L, 2011L, 
2011L, 2011L, 2011L, 2011L), month = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 
1L, 2L, 2L, 3L), day = c(5L, 14L, 6L, 17L, 9L, 5L, 14L, 6L, 17L, 
12L), id = c(31L, 22L, 28L, 41L, 55L, 34L, 25L, 36L, 11L, 10L
)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -10L))


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