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[英]How to make a multi-factorial regression (general linear model) in R without knowing in advance the number of predictors?

我想在R中进行多元线性回归, 而不必先明确知道之前的预测变量数量

我大约有400个数组,我通过一个循环执行每个数组的多因素回归。 对于每个回归,我最多具有7个预测变量。 我的问题是“最多” ,对于某些数组不存在某些预测变量。 在这种情况下,当我做这样的事情时,显然不会工作LinearModel = lm(Y ~ V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 + V5 + V6 + V7, data = foo) 其中foo是具有8列[Y,V1,V2,... V7]的数据帧

我实际上找到了一个解决方案,其中包括将任何缺少的预测变量替换为零向量。 它可以工作,但是我不得不保留和处理许多占用内存的无用数据(每个数组都有大约40,000个值)。


for (current_array in arrays)
    Y = get.data(current_array) #Actually lot of long process

    regressors_mat = matrix (0, nrow = 40000, ncol = 7) # All non existing indicators will stay at 0
    colmatreg = 0
    for (predictor in predictors)
        colmatreg = colmatreg + 1       
        if (!(predictor.exists.for(current_array))
        regressors_mat[, colmatreg] = get.data(predictor) #Actually lot of long process
    dtf = data.frame(cbind(regressors_mat, Y))  
    colnames(dtf)[ncol(dtf)] = "Y"

    LinearModel = lm(Y ~ V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 + V5 + V6 + V7, data = dtf)#won't work if the 7 predictors are not available
# Long process 
# Long process 

无论如何,是否有必要执行多因素线性回归而不必编写LinearModel = lm(Y ~ V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 + V5 + V6 + V7, data = dtf) ,这在所有7个预测变量均不可用时不起作用,并且无需保存和处理40,000 x 400 x nb_of_unavailable_predictors


for (current_array in arrays)
    Y = get.data(current_array)
    nbcol = nb.predictos.available(current_array) # I can have this function
    regressors_mat = matrix (0, nrow = 40000, ncol = nbcol )
    colmatreg = 0
    for (predictor in predictors)
        colmatreg = colmatreg + 1       
        if (!(predictor.exists.for(current_array))
        regressors_mat[, colmatreg] = get.data(predictor) #Actually lot of long process
    dtf = data.frame(cbind(regressors_mat, Y))  
    colnames(dtf)[ncol(dtf)] = "Y"

    LinearModel = lm(Y ~ colSums(dtf[, 1:(ncol(dtf) -1)], data = dtf)
#Allowing to make the multifactorial model without knowing in advance the number of factors


任何帮助或建议都很好。 谢谢!

我终于找到了. 是解决方案! 如果dtf是具有8列[Y,V1,V2,... V7]的数据帧

LinearModel = lm(Y ~ V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 + V5 + V6 + V7, data = dtf)


LinearModel = lm(Y ~ ., data = dtf)

. ,将占用所有剩余的列。


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