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在启动/重启时运行 Python 程序,在 OpenWrt Linux 的单独分区上

[英]Run Python program on bootup/reboot, on separate partition in OpenWrt Linux

在 OpenWrt Linux 上,我将启动脚本放在 /etc/init.d 文件夹中,并启用它。 脚本很好,如下所示:

#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common

# Automatically place an "S91canpy" symlink in /etc/rc.d/ once we enable it
# This means it will start right after /etc/rc.d/90openvpn

# This is what will run when this service starts
start() { 
    # Run the process in the background (&), and direct errors to a log file
    sh /user/start_everything.sh >/var/log/init_canpy.log 2>&1 &

# This is what will run when the service stops
stop() {
    echo "no stop function set up yet"

# This is what will run when the service restarts
restart() {
    # Run the process in the background (&), and direct errors to a log file
    sh /user/start_everything.sh >/var/log/init_canpy.log 2>&1 &

它调用的 /user/start_everything.sh 脚本如下所示:


# Run the "find_config_data.py" Python program 
/data/venv/bin/python3.6 /user/canpy/find_config_data.py

问题是 /data 位于单独的硬盘分区上,因此 init.d 无法找到它。 我得到的错误如下:

line 4: /data/venv/bin/python3.6: not found

我的主分区上只剩下 20 MB 的空间,所以我必须将 Python 3.6 及其库安装到 /data 分区上,它有 2.5 GB 的空间。

如何让 init.d 在 /data/venv/bin/python3.6 中找到我的 Python 二进制文件? 每次 Linux 启动/重新启动时,我绝对必须运行这个 Python 程序。 谢谢!!


root@FATBOX:/tmp/log# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root               476.2M    456.0M     20.2M  96% /
devtmpfs                512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev
tmpfs                   247.7M    116.0K    247.6M   0% /tmp
tmpfs                   512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev
/dev/mmcblk0p3            2.7G     50.2M      2.5G   2% /data


我安排一个进程检查器脚本在 cron 中每分钟运行一次:


# Checking if /user/canpy/app.py is running
ps | grep -v grep | grep /user/canpy/app.py
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "/user/canpy/app.py is running."
    # If it is not running, start it!
    echo "/user/canpy/app.py is not running. Starting it now"
    /data/venv/bin/python3.6 /user/canpy/app.py >/var/log/main_app_canpy.log 2>&1 &

这是位于 /etc/crontabs/root 的 crontab:

# Schedule check_running.sh to run every minute
* * * * * sh /user/check_running.sh >/var/log/check_running_canpy.log 2>&1 &



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