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有没有更优雅的方式来创建这些 numpy 数组?

[英]Is there a more elegant way of creating these numpy arrays?


假设我们有一个振荡图,并且我们知道最小值 ( min_x˛ ) 和最大值 ( max_x ) 的位置。 我们选择一个参考点ref_point (下图中的 2.35 左右),最接近的极值(图中的 2.25 和 2.45)我们分配 1 * PI,给第二个最接近的极值我们分配值 2 * PI,并且很快。 这样我们就可以得到图中下方的图(请注意,这些值被 -4*PI 抵消了,但这暂时无关紧要)。



import numpy as np

def min_max(ref_point, min_x, max_x):

    # finding the maximum and minimum values which are smaller than reference point
    neg_max_freq = np.array([a for a in (ref_point - max_x) if a < 0])
    neg_min_freq = np.array([b for b in (ref_point - min_x) if b < 0])

    # joining them together and flipping order
    neg_freq = sorted(np.append(neg_max_freq, neg_min_freq), reverse=True)

    # finding the maximum and minimum values which are greater than reference point
    pos_max_freq = np.array([c for c in (ref_point - max_x) if c > 0])
    pos_min_freq = np.array([d for d in (ref_point - min_x) if d > 0])

    #joining them together
    pos_freq = sorted(np.append(pos_min_freq, pos_max_freq))

    pos_values = np.array([np.pi * (i+1) for i in range(len(pos_freq))])
    neg_values = np.array([np.pi * (i+1) for i in range(len(neg_freq))])

    # joining the values for the lower graph on the picture
    x_s = np.append(pos_freq, neg_freq)
    y_s = np.append(pos_values, neg_values)

    return x_s, y_s


>>> min_x = np.arange(np.pi/2, 4.5*np.pi, np.pi)
>>> max_x = np.arange(0, 4*np.pi, np.pi)
>>> x, y = min_max(0, min_x, max_x)

>>> x
[ -1.57079633  -3.14159265  -4.71238898  -6.28318531  -7.85398163
  -9.42477796 -10.99557429]

>>> y
[ 3.14159265  6.28318531  9.42477796 12.56637061 15.70796327 18.84955592



def min_max(ref_point, min_x, max_x):

    max_freq = ref_point - max_x
    min_freq = ref_point - min_x

    # Faster sort
    neg_freq = np.sort(np.append(max_freq[max_freq<0], min_freq[min_freq<0]))[::-1]
    pos_freq = np.sort(np.append(max_freq[max_freq>0], min_freq[min_freq>0]))

    pos_values = np.pi * np.arange(1, len(pos_freq)+1)
    neg_values = np.pi * np.arange(1, len(neg_freq)+1)

    x_s = np.append(pos_freq, neg_freq)
    y_s = np.append(pos_values, neg_values)

    return x_s, y_s

关于排序性能,我用大小为 100 万的随机数组进行了测试,结果如下:

a = np.random.randint(0, 1000, 1_000_000)

%timeit sorted(a, reverse=True)
522 ms ± 29.3 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

%timeit np.sort(a)[::-1]
55.2 ms ± 958 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

numpy 比 vanilla python 快 9.5 倍。


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