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是否有正在进行的工作以在 Apache UIMA C++ 框架中为 Pythonnator 创建 Python > 2.4 支持?

[英]Are there works in progress to create Python > 2.4 support for Pythonnator in Apache UIMA C++ framework?

针对基于 SpaCy 的程序(Python 2.7)运行 Python 2.4 程序时出现分段错误

我正在运行Python 2.4程序(Pythonnator),它应该与Python 2.7程序(SciSpacy,基于 SpaCy)交互。 我这样做的原因 [ie, Python 2.4 <--> Python 2.7] 是因为 Pythonnator 和 SpaCy/SciSpacy 似乎不兼容彼此开箱即用。

当我尝试这样做时,我得到一个分段错误错误。 有关如何解决此版本不匹配的任何帮助?

Pythonnator: Initialize - debug=101
Pythonnator: Registered function initialize
Pythonnator: no function registered for typeSystemInit
Pythonnator: no function registered for destroy
Pythonnator: no function registered for reconfigure
Pythonnator: Registered function process
Pythonnator: no function registered for batchProcessComplete
Pythonnator: no function registered for collectionProcessComplete
Reading data
Pythonnator: typeSystemInit

ThreadId: 140188654634880 runAECpp: Processing started. Number of runs 1 rdelay 0 millis. 

ThreadId: 140188654634880 runAECpp::processing start iteration: 0

ThreadId: 140188654634880 runAECpp::processing example.txt 
Pythonnator: process 
process method
loading model..
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

你可能想看看 UIMACPP 的rc/uimacpp-3.0.0分支 - 包含 Pythonnator 的项目:


它声称支持 Python 2.7



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