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Are there works in progress to create Python > 2.4 support for Pythonnator in Apache UIMA C++ framework?

Segmentation fault while running Python 2.4 program against SpaCy-based program (Python 2.7)

I am running a Python 2.4 program (Pythonnator) which should interact with a Python 2.7 program (SciSpacy, which is based on SpaCy). The reason I am doing this [ie, Python 2.4 <--> Python 2.7] is because both Pythonnator and SpaCy/SciSpacy don't seem to be compatible with each other out-of-the-box.

When I try that, I get a segmentation fault error. Any help on how to address this version mimatch?

Pythonnator: Initialize - debug=101
Pythonnator: Registered function initialize
Pythonnator: no function registered for typeSystemInit
Pythonnator: no function registered for destroy
Pythonnator: no function registered for reconfigure
Pythonnator: Registered function process
Pythonnator: no function registered for batchProcessComplete
Pythonnator: no function registered for collectionProcessComplete
Reading data
Pythonnator: typeSystemInit

ThreadId: 140188654634880 runAECpp: Processing started. Number of runs 1 rdelay 0 millis. 

ThreadId: 140188654634880 runAECpp::processing start iteration: 0

ThreadId: 140188654634880 runAECpp::processing example.txt 
Pythonnator: process 
process method
loading model..
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

You might care to have a look at the rc/uimacpp-3.0.0 branch of UIMACPP - the project which includes the Pythonnator:


It claims to support Python 2.7


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