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如何在具有相似值(但不相同)的公共列上合并 Pandas 中的两个数据框?

[英]How do I merge two data frames in pandas on a common column which have similar values (but not the same)?

我正在尝试在显示地理区域名称的公共列上合并 Pandas 中的两个数据框。 该列具有相似的值但不相同。 例如,一个 DataFrame 中的值是London而另一个是London / Greater London ——它们被视为不同的值,但在合并时应视为相同的值。

import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame([['London', 2], ['Bristol', 3], ['Liverpool', 6]], columns=['Area', 'B'])
df2 = pd.DataFrame([['London / Greater London', 7], ['Bristol_', 9], ['Liverpool / Liverpool', 1]], columns=['Area', 'B'])
df_merged = pd.merge(df1, df2, on="Area", indicator=True, how='outer')

                      Area  B_x  B_y      _merge
0                   London  2.0  NaN   left_only
1                  Bristol  3.0  NaN   left_only
2                Liverpool  6.0  NaN   left_only
3  London / Greater London  NaN  7.0  right_only
4                 Bristol_  NaN  9.0  right_only
5    Liverpool / Liverpool  NaN  1.0  right_only


                      Area  B_x  B_y      _merge
0                   London  2.0  7.0   both
1                  Bristol  3.0  9.0   both
2                Liverpool  6.0  1.0   both

有没有办法根据值的某种程度的相似性合并这两个数据框,以便LondonLondon / Greater London值被视为相同的值? 谢谢!

您可以首先使用np.where()创建两个包含重叠AreaCity索引的arrays 我用一个list comprehension来检查,如果每个City存在in列表Areas ,并保存索引。

注意:这仅在Areastring包含City string时才有效。 (即London仅与London / Greater London匹配,如果该area包含London一词。


# Alter the column names B (present in both dfs to B_x and B_y )
df1 = pd.DataFrame([['London', 2], ['Bristol', 3], ['Liverpool', 6]], columns=['Area', 'B_x'])
df2 = pd.DataFrame([['London / Greater London', 7], ['Bristol_', 9], ['Liverpool / Liverpool', 1]], columns=['Area', 'B_y'])

# Create indices of matching string patterns
i, j = np.where([[city in area for area in df2['Area'].values] for city in df1['Area'].values])

# Create new dataframe with found indices
pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack([df1.iloc[i], df2.iloc[j]]), columns=df1.columns.append(df2.columns))


    Area        B_x     Area                    B_y
0   London      2   London / Greater London     7
1   Bristol     3   Bristol_                    9
2   Liverpool   6   Liverpool / Liverpool       1


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