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VS 中是否有来自 Unity3D 的 WaitUntil() 等价物?

[英]Is there an equivalent of WaitUntil() from Unity3D in VS?

在 Unity3D 中,您可以在协程中调用WaitUntil()直到语句变为真,例如当字符串不为空时。

string str="";
yield return new WaitUntil(()=>str!="");

我发现它非常有用,并希望在 VS 中使用它。

我设法通过创建 2 个类来做到这一点,比如 A 和 B,

class A
    public B b;

    public void Set(B bb)
        b = bb;
        b.Str = "Test";

class B
    public string Str="";
    public AutoResetEvent ARE = new AutoResetEvent(false);

    public B()
        Thread t = new Thread(Run);

    private void Run()
        MessageBox.Show(String.Format($"The new string is {Str}");

public static void Main()
    A a = new A();
    B b = new B();


如您所见,B 的执行依赖于 A 设置 B 的AutoResetEvent


我对Task.WhenAll和其他主题做了一些研究,但我真的不知道如何使用它,最后,我认为AutoResetEvent更适合这项工作。 但当然,我可能是错的!

附注。 我试图避免像while(Str=="");这样的事情while(Str==""); 因为它处理繁重!





我不是 Unity 专家,但据我所知,Unity 在游戏的每一帧都会调用Update()函数。 同样基于文档,它看起来像这样(Unity):

yield return WaitUntil(() => condition);


while (!condition)
    yield return null;

没有详细说明强大的yield关键字,它们都返回一个IEnumerator 每次您“移动 [到] 下一个”迭代器的值时,都会执行该函数并返回下一个值。 只要有要返回的值,包括nullMoveNext()就会返回true

基本上, WaitUntil()似乎是某种 Unity 方言,用于在纯 C# 中等效。 我怀疑StartCoroutine()类的东西是一种类似的启动线程的机制(不确定这个)。


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;

namespace ConsoleTest
    public class Program
        private static int frameCounter;

        public class B
            public string MyString { get; set; }

            public IEnumerator Run()
                while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyString))
                    Console.WriteLine("Nothing here yet..."); // This is printed every time MoveNext() is called on the iterator.
                    yield return null;

                // MyString is not null anymore: print this.
                // This is also the end of the enumerator: no more values will be returned.
                Console.WriteLine("MyString has been set after we " + MyString);

        public static void Main()
            // This simulates Unity's engine by generating one frame every 500ms.
            var frameTimer = new Timer(_ => UpdateFrameCounter(), null, 0, 500);

            // Creates an instance of B and get the enumerator by calling Run():
            var b = new B();
            var enumerator = b.Run();

            // As long as there are values being returned (by yield), stay in this loop.
            // Here, this means basically "as long as b.MyString is null or empty".
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                // Demo purposes: block main thread for 1sec.

                // At frame 10, set the value of b.MyString
                if (frameCounter == 10)
                    b.MyString = "reached 10 frames.";

            // We'll reach this when there are no more values to be returned, i.e. enumerator.MoveNext() == false.
            // Stop the timer and quit.
            frameTimer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit...");

        public static void UpdateFrameCounter()
            // Update frame counter (-> Unity engine).
            Console.WriteLine($"Frame counter: {++frameCounter}");


// In class B:
private string str = string.Empty; // private field

public string Str // public property
    get => str;
        str = value;
        ARE.Set(); // this is called each time b.Str value is set

这样,当 A 或任何其他类设置 b.Str 的值时, ARE将自动设置,而 A 不必担心或知道它。


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