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如何根据 pandas dataframe 中其他列中的子字符串创建新列?

[英]How to create new column based on substrings in other column in a pandas dataframe?

我有一个 dataframe 结构如下:

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'Substance': ['(NPK) 20/10/6', '(NPK) Guayacan 10/20/30', '46%N / O%P2O5 (Urea)', '46%N / O%P2O5 (Urea)', '(NPK) DAP Diammonphosphat; 18/46/0'],
    'value': [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, .9]

    substance               value
0   (NPK) 20/10/6           0.2
1   (NPK) Guayacan 10/20/30 0.4
2   46%N / O%P2O5 (Urea)    0.6
3   46%N / O%P2O5 (Urea)    0.8
4   (NPK) DAP Diammonphosphat; 18/46/0          0.9


test['Short Name'] = test['Substance'].apply(lambda x: 'Urea' if 
                                         any(i in x for i in 'Urea') else '(NPK)')

最后一行代码有两个问题。 首先,output 看起来是这样的:

    Substance               value   Short Name
0   (NPK) 20/10/6           0.2     (NPK)
1   (NPK) Guayacan 10/20/30 0.4     Urea
2   46%N / O%P2O5 (Urea)    0.6     Urea
3   46%N / O%P2O5 (Urea)    0.8     Urea
4   (NPK) DAP Diammonphosphat; 18/46/0          0.9     (NPK)

所以第二个条目也标有尿素,尽管它应该是 NPK。


/var/folders/tf/hzv31v4x42q4_mnw4n8ldhsm0000gn/T/ipykernel_10743/136042259.py:5: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

注意:由于我还有更多的内容,我将不得不在 if/else 循环中添加更多语句。


  • 如果物质包括尿素,则尿素
  • 如果物质包括CAN ,则为硝酸铵钙 (CAN)
  • 如果物质包括DAP ,则为磷酸二铵 (DAP)
  • 适用于所有其他情况的其他复合 NK、NPK 肥料

样本数据的预期 output 将是

    Substance               value   Short Name
0   (NPK) 20/10/6           0.2     (NPK)
1   (NPK) Guayacan 10/20/30 0.4     (NPK)
2   46%N / O%P2O5 (Urea)    0.6     Urea
3   46%N / O%P2O5 (Urea)    0.8     Urea
4   (NPK) DAP Diammonphosphat; 18/46/0          0.9     (NPK)

Edit2:然后我想添加一个语句,以便我收到以下 output:

    Substance               value   Short Name
0   (NPK) 20/10/6           0.2     (NPK)
1   (NPK) Guayacan 10/20/30 0.4     (NPK)
2   46%N / O%P2O5 (Urea)    0.6     Urea
3   46%N / O%P2O5 (Urea)    0.8     Urea
4   (NPK) DAP Diammonphosphat; 18/46/0          0.9     DAP


df['Short Name'] = df['Substance'].str.extract(r'\((.+?)\)')


>>> df
                 Substance  value Short Name
0            (NPK) 20/10/6    0.2        NPK
1  (NPK) Guayacan 10/20/30    0.4        NPK
2     46%N / O%P2O5 (Urea)    0.6       Urea
3     46%N / O%P2O5 (Urea)    0.8       Urea
4            (NPK) 20/10/6    0.9        NPK


df['Short Name'] = df['Substance'].apply(lambda x: 'Urea' if 'Urea' in x else '(NPK)')
>>> df
                 Substance  value   Short Name
0            (NPK) 20/10/6    0.2        (NPK)
1  (NPK) Guayacan 10/20/30    0.4        (NPK)
2     46%N / O%P2O5 (Urea)    0.6         Urea
3     46%N / O%P2O5 (Urea)    0.8         Urea
4            (NPK) 20/10/6    0.9        (NPK)


import re
short = re.compile(r"\W*(urea)\W*", re.I)
df['Short Name'] = df['Substance'].apply(lambda x: 'Urea' if len(short.findall(x.lower())) else '(NPK)')


test['Short Name'] = test['Substance'].apply(lambda x: 'Urea' if 'Urea' in x else 'DAP' if 'DAP' in x else '(NPK)')


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