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与 Pandas 默认值相比,使用 modin 提供不同的结果

[英]Using modin provides different results compared to Pandas default

当我在modin中使用 pandas 和使用pandas default 时,我得到不同的结果

  country                      league   Win   DNB  O 1.5  U 4.5
0  Africa       Africa Cup of Nations  3.68  1.86    5.2   1.45
1  Africa   Africa Cup of Nations U17  2.07  1.50    3.3   1.45
2  Africa   Africa Cup of Nations U20  2.07  1.50    3.3   1.45
3  Africa   Africa Cup of Nations U23  2.07  1.50    3.3   1.45
4  Africa  African Championship Women  2.07  1.50    3.3   1.45

   Unnamed: 0  home_odds  draw_odds  away_odds country            league             datetime        home_team   away_team  home_score  away_score
0           0       1.36       4.31       7.66  Brazil  Copa do Nordeste  2020-02-07 00:00:00     Sport Recife  Imperatriz           2           2
1           1       2.62       3.30       2.48  Brazil  Copa do Nordeste  2020-02-02 22:00:00              ABC  America RN           2           1
2           2       5.19       3.58       1.62  Brazil  Copa do Nordeste  2020-02-02 00:00:00  Frei Paulistano     Nautico           0           2
3           3       2.06       3.16       3.50  Brazil  Copa do Nordeste  2020-02-02 22:00:00      Botafogo PB   Confianca           1           1
4           4       2.19       2.98       3.38  Brazil  Copa do Nordeste  2020-02-02 22:00:00        Fortaleza       Ceara           1           1


import pandas as pd

selection_db = historical_games.loc[:, historical_games.columns.intersection(['country', 'league'])]
selection_db = selection_db.drop_duplicates()
selection_db = selection_db.sort_values(['country', 'league'], ascending=[True, True])
selection_db.loc[:, 'Win'] = 1.1
selection_db.loc[:, 'DNB'] = 0.7
selection_db.loc[:, 'O 1.5'] = 3.2
selection_db.loc[:, 'U 4.5'] = 2.2
ids = ['country', 'league']
selection_db = selection_db.set_index(ids)
selection_db = selection_db.reset_index()
selection_weights = selection_db

  country                      league   Win   DNB  O 1.5  U 4.5
0  Africa       Africa Cup of Nations  3.68  1.86    5.2   1.45
1  Africa   Africa Cup of Nations U17  2.07  1.50    3.3   1.45
2  Africa   Africa Cup of Nations U20  2.07  1.50    3.3   1.45
3  Africa   Africa Cup of Nations U23  2.07  1.50    3.3   1.45
4  Africa  African Championship Women  2.07  1.50    3.3   1.45


import os
import ray
os.environ["MODIN_ENGINE"] = "ray"
import modin.pandas as pd

selection_db = historical_games.loc[:, historical_games.columns.intersection(['country', 'league'])]
selection_db = selection_db.drop_duplicates()
selection_db = selection_db.sort_values(['country', 'league'], ascending=[True, True])
selection_db.loc[:, 'Win'] = 1.1
selection_db.loc[:, 'DNB'] = 0.7
selection_db.loc[:, 'O 1.5'] = 3.2
selection_db.loc[:, 'U 4.5'] = 2.2
ids = ['country', 'league']
selection_db = selection_db.set_index(ids)
selection_db = selection_db.reset_index()
selection_weights = selection_db

  country  league
0  Africa     2.2
1  Africa     2.2
2  Africa     2.2
3  Africa     2.2
4  Africa     2.2

问题是我必须将函数作为大型工作流程的一部分运行,并且当我在开始时导入 modin 时,它会按预期执行直到这部分代码。



@Harshad,来自 Modin GitHub 的这条评论描述了如何将 Modin 数据框转换为 pandas:使用df._to_pandas() 一旦有了 pandas 数据框,就可以在其上调用任何 pandas 方法。 来自同一问题的其他评论描述了如何将 pandas 数据帧转换回 Modin 数据帧:调用modin.pandas.DataFrame(pandas_dataframe)

关于您看到的 Modin 错误,我的猜测是您添加列的selection_db.loc[:, 'Win'] = 1.1之类的行会引发KeyError并且根本不会更改 Modin 数据框。 这是一个已知的 Modin 错误, https://github.com/modin-project/modin/issues/4354 例如,这适用于熊猫

import pandas
df = pandas.DataFrame([[1]])
df.loc[:, 'a'] = 3

但是如果我尝试使用import modin.pandas as pandas和最新版本的 Modin 的相同脚本(提交 c1d5dbd71efb8fb5806fad41959794182780fc25),我得到 KeyError KeyError: array(['a'], dtype='<U1') 您是否有可能收到KeyError并忽略它?


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