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[英]Selecting the maximum matched pairs

我有两个具有不同 ID 的组,我通过运行一个代码来查看符合条件的案例,从而获得了可能的匹配项,但是,它返回了例如来自 A 组的一个 ID,我有多个来自 B 组的匹配项。我想摆脱重复并随机选择匹配对,最后达到最大匹配对数。 关于如何解决这个问题的任何想法?


SH = readtable('contol_parameters.xlsx','Sheet','m');
%% check if crieria met 
numElementsX = length(rmmissing(SH.Ages1));
numElementsY = length(rmmissing(SH.Ages2));
U1 = [];
U2=  [];
 for r=1:numElementsX
    for s=1:numElementsY
        if (abs(rmmissing(SH.Ages1(r))-rmmissing(SH.Ages2(s)))<=10) && (abs(rmmissing(SH.vol_1(r))-rmmissing(SH.vol_2(s)))<=10)
            U1(end+1)= SH.ID1(r);
            U2(end+1)= SH.ID2(s);

%generated list 
 U_TS=[U1', U2'];


Group A Group B
216 217
216 221
216 222
216 234
216 256
216 262
216 266
216 330
216 390
225 217
225 222
225 234
225 239
225 256
225 257
225 260
225 263
225 266
225 277
225 302
225 324
225 330
225 333
225 341
225 359
225 381
225 386
225 390
225 423
225 435
225 436
225 442
225 466
225 470
225 478
227 257
227 260
227 263
227 277
227 302


uA = unique(A);
uB = unique(B);
iCnt = zeros(length(uA),length(uB);
for ii = 1:length(uA)
    for jj = 1:length(uB)
         iCnt(ii,jj) = sum((A==uA(ii) & B==uB(jj));
[~,ind] = sort(sum(iCnt),'ascend');
uB = uB(ind);
iCnt = iCnt(:,ind);

%you now have a matrix (iCnt) where the least common members of groupB will be in the leftmost columns of iCnt and for each row (which represents the unique members of GroupA in vector uA) you can find the first non-zero column of iCnt to pick the least common member of GroupB. If that member of B has already been selected previously, you could go to the next non-zero column for another candidate


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