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[英]Applescript to archive email in Mail.app



你试过什么了? 您的问题非常广泛。 以下内容将帮助您入门:

property secondsIn120Days : 10368000

tell application "Mail"

    set theInbox to inbox

    set dateToday to current date

    set firstMessage to 1
    set lastMessage to (get count of messages in theInbox)

    repeat with thisMessage from lastMessage to firstMessage by -1
        set currentMessage to message thisMessage of theInbox
        set messageDate to date received of currentMessage

        set timeDifference to dateToday - messageDate

        if timeDifference ≥ secondsIn120Days then

            (* In answer to your comment, any folder you create to archive
            messages is going to be in the "On My Mac" directory. But say you
             create a Smart Mailbox called "Mail Archive"  then all you should 
            need are these lines... *)

            set archiveMailbox to (mailbox ("Mail Archive" as string))
            move currentMessage to archiveMailbox

        end if
    end repeat
end tell



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