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[英]how to predict new cases using the neuralnet package

使用 RGUI。 我有一个名为 Data 的数据集。 我感兴趣的响应变量包含在Data的第一列中。


通过DataTrain我使用包和函数neuralnet训练了一个神经网络模型(称为DataNN )。

> DataNN = neuralnet(DataTrain[,1] ~ DataTrain[,2] + DataTrain[,3], hidden = 1,
    data = DataTrain) 

有谁知道如何使用测试集( DataTest )对该模型进行预测?

通常(对于其他模型)我会为此使用predict() 例如

> DataPred = predict(DataNN, DataTest)


> DataPred = predict(DataNN, DataTest)

Error in UseMethod("predict") : 
no applicable method for 'predict' applied to an object of class "nn"  

显然我不能在这个模型上运行predict() 有谁知道任何替代方案?

我检查了neuralnet的帮助,我在 文档的第 12 页找到了一种称为prediction的方法。 我认为这根本不是我想要的,或者至少我不知道如何将它应用于我的Data



 # Make Some Training Data
 Var1 <- runif(50, 0, 100) 
 # create a vector of 50 random values, min 0, max 100, uniformly distributed
 sqrt.data <- data.frame(Var1, Sqrt=sqrt(Var1)) 
 # create a dataframe with two columns, with Var1 as the first column
 # and square root of Var1 as the second column

 # Train the neural net
 print(net.sqrt <- neuralnet(Sqrt~Var1,  sqrt.data, hidden=10, threshold=0.01))
 # train a neural net, try and predict the Sqrt values based on Var1 values
 # 10 hidden nodes

 # Compute or predict for test data, (1:10)^2
 compute(net.sqrt, as.data.frame((1:10)^2))$net.result
 # What the above is doing is using the neural net trained (net.sqrt), 
 # if we have a vector of 1^2, 2^2, 3^2 ... 10 ^2 (i.e. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 ... 100), 
 # what would net.sqrt produce?

 [1,] 1.110635110
 [2,] 1.979895765
 [3,] 3.013604598
 [4,] 3.987401275
 [5,] 5.004621316
 [6,] 5.999245742
 [7,] 6.989198741
 [8,] 8.007833571
 [9,] 9.016971015
[10,] 9.944642147
# The first row corresponds to the square root of 1, second row is square root
# of 2 and so on. . . So from that you can see that net.sqrt is actually 
# pretty close
# Note: Your results may vary since the values of Var1 is generated randomly.

预测的功能是prediction ,而不是predict

所以尝试DataPred = prediction(DataNN, DataTest)而不是DataPred = predict(DataNN, DataTest)


您应该使用神经网络版本的 predict ie

DataPred <- compute(DataNN, DataTest)

如果您使用 dplyr 进行任何操作,那么您需要专门声明库,然后是函数名称,如下所示

DataPred <- neuralnet::compute(DataNN, DataTest)



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