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Cython Damerau-Levenshtein提速

[英]Cython Damerau-Levenshtein speed-up

根据这篇Wikipedia的文章 ,我有以下cython实现来计算2个字符串的Damerau–Levenshtein距离,但是目前它对于我的需求来说太慢了。 我有大约600000个字符串的列表,我必须在该列表中找到错别字。

如果有人可以提出任何算法上的改进或减少脚本运行时间的python / cython魔术,我将很高兴。 我并不真正在乎它仅占用计算时间所占用的空间。


def damerauLevenshteinDistance(a, b, h):
    a = source sequence
    b = comparing sequence
    h = matrix to store the metrics (currently nested list)
    cdef int inf,lena,lenb,i,j,x,i1,j1,d,db
    alphabet = getAlphabet((a,b))
    lena = len(a)
    lenb = len(b)
    inf = lena + lenb + 1
    da = [0 for x in xrange(0, len(alphabet))]
    for i in xrange(1, lena+1):
        db = 0
        for j in xrange(1, lenb+1):
            i1 = da[alphabet[b[j-1]]]
            j1 = db
            d = 1
            if (a[i-1] == b[j-1]):
                d = 0
                db = j
            h[i+1][j+1] = min(
        da[alphabet[a[i-1]]] = i
    return h[lena+1][lenb+1]

cdef getAlphabet(words):
    construct an alphabet out of the lists found in the tuple words with a
    sequential identifier for each word
    cdef int i
    alphabet = {}
    i = 0
    for wordList in words:
        for letter in wordList:
            if letter not in alphabet:
                alphabet[letter] = i
                i += 1
    return alphabet

如果在搜索中返回多个单词(如果您需要为相同的输入字符串值多次计算Damerau Levenshtein距离),则可以考虑使用字典(或哈希图)来缓存结果。 这是C#中的实现:

    private static Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, int>> DamerauLevenshteinDictionary = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, int>>();

    public static int DamerauLevenshteinDistanceWithDictionaryCaching(string word1, string word2)
        Dictionary<int, int> word1Dictionary;

        if (DamerauLevenshteinDictionary.TryGetValue(word1.GetHashCode(), out word1Dictionary))
            int distance;

            if (word1Dictionary.TryGetValue(word2.GetHashCode(), out distance))
                // The distance is already in the dictionary
                return distance;
                // The word1 has been found in the dictionary, but the matching with word2 hasn't been found.
                distance = DamerauLevenshteinDistance(word1, word2);
                DamerauLevenshteinDictionary[word1.GetHashCode()].Add(word2.GetHashCode(), distance);
                return distance;
            // The word1 hasn't been found in the dictionary, we must add an entry to the dictionary with that match.
            int distance = DamerauLevenshteinDistance(word1, word2);
            Dictionary<int, int> dictionaryToAdd = new Dictionary<int,int>();
            dictionaryToAdd.Add(word2.GetHashCode(), distance);
            DamerauLevenshteinDictionary.Add(word1.GetHashCode(), dictionaryToAdd);
            return distance;

我最近刚刚开源了Damerau-Levenshtein算法的Cython实现。 我同时包含pyx和C源代码。


至少对于较长的字符串,应该使用不必计算lena⋅lenb矩阵中所有值的其他算法来获得更好的性能。 例如,它可能常常没有必要计算的精确成本[lena][0]的矩阵,其表示通过删除所有字符中开始的成本的角落a

更好的算法可能是始终查看迄今为止计算出的最低权重的点,然后从那里向各个方向进一步走一步。 这样,您可能无需检查矩阵中的所有位置即可到达目标位置:


from heapq import heappop, heappush

def distance(a, b):
   pq = [(0,0,0)]
   lena = len(a)
   lenb = len(b)
   while True:
      (wgh, i, j) = heappop(pq)
      if i == lena and j == lenb:
         return wgh
      if i < lena:
         # deleted
         heappush(pq, (wgh+1, i+1, j))
      if j < lenb:
         # inserted
         heappush(pq, (wgh+1, i, j+1))
      if i < lena and j < lenb:
         if a[i] == b[i]:
            # unchanged
            heappush(pq, (wgh, i+1, j+1))
            # changed
            heappush(pq, (wgh+1, i+1, j+1))
      # ... more possibilities for changes, like your "+(i-i1-1)+1+(j-j1-1)"


  • 将新坐标添加到队列时,请检查:
    • 如果坐标之前已经处理过,请不要再添加
    • 如果坐标当前在队列中,请仅使实例具有更好的附加权重
  • 使用在C中实现的优先级队列,而不是heapq模块


您也可以以Cython为例检查Levenshtein Distance的实现: http ://hackmap.blogspot.com/2008/04/levenshtein-in-cython.html


通过“ cython -a”运行它,这将为您提供带有黄色注释行的HTML注释源版本。 颜色越深,该行中发生的Python操作越多。 这通常有助于找到耗时的对象转换等。

但是,我可以肯定,最大的问题就是您的数据结构。 考虑使用NumPy数组而不是嵌套列表,或者仅使用动态分配的C存储块。


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