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[英]A batch file to extract the value of a specific XML tag

* *我需要一个批处理文件,该文件仅检索数据标签值(不带标签名称)并将其记入.txt文件中。 该文件可能具有比列出的XML标签更多的XML标签。


资本收益是美国收入差距的关键因素,而获胜者背后的力量则占据了我们经济体系的全部口号。 如果您想要在美国平均赚钱,则必须提高15%的资本利得税。**


Table 30
Multiple Rows
Capital gains are the key ingredient of income disparity in the US-- and the force  
behind the winner takes all mantra of our economic system. If you want  even out 
earning power in the U.S, you have to raise the 15% capital gains tax.


setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set start_reading="0"
set stop_reading="0"
set your_file_name=%~1

if EXIST "%your_file_name%.txt" del "%your_file_name%.txt"

for /f "eol=; tokens=1 delims=" %%c in ('type "%your_file_name_here%.xml"') do (
  set line=%%c

  @REM Determine if at start of Data Tag
  for /f "eol=; tokens=1 delims=" %%d in ('echo !line! ^| findstr /i /c:"<DATA>"') do (
    set start_reading="1"

  @REM Determine if at end of Data Tag
  for /f "eol=; tokens=1 delims=" %%d in ('echo !line! ^| findstr /i /c:"</DATA>"') do (
    set stop_reading="1"

  @REM stop reading DATA tag input
  if "!stop_reading!"=="1" (
    set start_reading="0"

  @REM skips first line assumed to be <DATA>
  if "!start_reading!"=="2" (
    echo !line! >> "%your_file_name_here%.txt"

  @REM Ready to start reading post <DATA> line
  if "!start_reading!"=="1" (
    set stop_reading="0"
    set start_reading="2"


@REM Check results
type "%your_file_name_here%.txt"

让我知道您是否需要帮助。 我不得不在DOS才能让我们使用的环境中工作,所以我感到您的痛苦。 祝好运! :)


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