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[英]groupby weighted average and sum in pandas dataframe


   contract month year  buys  adjusted_lots    price
0         W     Z    5  Sell             -5   554.85
1         C     Z    5  Sell             -3   424.50
2         C     Z    5  Sell             -2   424.00
3         C     Z    5  Sell             -2   423.75
4         C     Z    5  Sell             -3   423.50
5         C     Z    5  Sell             -2   425.50
6         C     Z    5  Sell             -3   425.25
7         C     Z    5  Sell             -2   426.00
8         C     Z    5  Sell             -2   426.75
9        CC     U    5   Buy              5  3328.00
10       SB     V    5   Buy              5    11.65
11       SB     V    5   Buy              5    11.64
12       SB     V    5   Buy              2    11.60

我需要 adjusted_lots 的總和,價格是加權平均值,價格和 adjusted_lots,按所有其他列分組,即。 按(合同、月、年和購買)分組

R 上的類似解決方案是通過使用 dplyr 的以下代碼實現的,但是無法在 pandas 中執行相同的操作。

> newdf = df %>%
  select ( contract , month , year , buys , adjusted_lots , price ) %>%
  group_by( contract , month , year ,  buys) %>%
  summarise(qty = sum( adjusted_lots) , avgpx = weighted.mean(x = price , w = adjusted_lots) , comdty = "Comdty" )

> newdf
Source: local data frame [4 x 6]

  contract month year comdty qty     avgpx
1        C     Z    5 Comdty -19  424.8289
2       CC     U    5 Comdty   5 3328.0000
3       SB     V    5 Comdty  12   11.6375
4        W     Z    5 Comdty  -5  554.8500

groupby 或任何其他解決方案是否可能相同?


要將多個函數傳遞給 groupby 對象,您需要傳遞一個包含聚合函數和該函數適用的列的元組:

# Define a lambda function to compute the weighted mean:
wm = lambda x: np.average(x, weights=df.loc[x.index, "adjusted_lots"])

# Define a dictionary with the functions to apply for a given column:
# the following is deprecated since pandas 0.20:
# f = {'adjusted_lots': ['sum'], 'price': {'weighted_mean' : wm} }
# df.groupby(["contract", "month", "year", "buys"]).agg(f)

# Groupby and aggregate with namedAgg [1]:
df.groupby(["contract", "month", "year", "buys"]).agg(adjusted_lots=("adjusted_lots", "sum"),  
                                                      price_weighted_mean=("price", wm))

                          adjusted_lots  price_weighted_mean
contract month year buys                                    
C        Z     5    Sell            -19           424.828947
CC       U     5    Buy               5          3328.000000
SB       V     5    Buy              12            11.637500
W        Z     5    Sell             -5           554.850000




[1]: https : //pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/whatsnew/v0.25.0.html#groupby-aggregation-with-relabeling

按 groupby(...).apply(...) 進行加權平均可能會非常慢(以下是 100 倍)。 此線程上查看我的回答(和其他人)。

def weighted_average(df,data_col,weight_col,by_col):
    df['_data_times_weight'] = df[data_col]*df[weight_col]
    df['_weight_where_notnull'] = df[weight_col]*pd.notnull(df[data_col])
    g = df.groupby(by_col)
    result = g['_data_times_weight'].sum() / g['_weight_where_notnull'].sum()
    del df['_data_times_weight'], df['_weight_where_notnull']
    return result

使用聚合函數字典的解決方案將在熊貓的未來版本(0.22 版)中被棄用:

FutureWarning: using a dict with renaming is deprecated and will be removed in a future 
version return super(DataFrameGroupBy, self).aggregate(arg, *args, **kwargs)

使用 groupby 應用並返回一個系列來重命名列,如: 重命名 Pandas 聚合中的結果列(“FutureWarning:不推薦使用重命名的字典”)

def my_agg(x):
    names = {'weighted_ave_price': (x['adjusted_lots'] * x['price']).sum()/x['adjusted_lots'].sum()}
    return pd.Series(names, index=['weighted_ave_price'])


>df.groupby(["contract", "month", "year", "buys"]).apply(my_agg)

contract month year buys                    
C        Z     5    Sell          424.828947
CC       U     5    Buy          3328.000000
SB       V     5    Buy            11.637500
W        Z     5    Sell          554.850000


  1. 將 (adjusted_lots * price_weighted_mean) 乘以新列“X”
  2. 對列“X”和“adjusted_lots”使用 groupby().sum() 以獲得分組 df df_grouped
  3. 計算 df_grouped 的加權平均值為 df_grouped['X']/df_grouped['adjusted_lots']

使用datar ,您無需學習datar API 即可轉換您的 R 代碼:

>>> from datar.all import f, tibble, c, rep, select, summarise, sum, weighted_mean, group_by
>>> df = tibble(
...     contract=c('W', rep('C', 8), 'CC', rep('SB', 3)),
...     month=c(rep('Z', 9), 'U', rep('V', 3)),
...     year=5,
...     buys=c(rep('Sell', 9), rep('Buy', 4)),
...     adjusted_lots=[-5, -3, -2, -2, -3, -2, -3, -2, -2, 5, 5, 5, 2],
...     price=[554.85, 424.50, 424.00, 423.75, 423.50, 425.50, 425.25, 426.00, 426.75,3328.00, 11.65, 11.64, 1
... )
>>> df
   contract month  year  buys  adjusted_lots    price
0         W     Z     5  Sell             -5   554.85
1         C     Z     5  Sell             -3   424.50
2         C     Z     5  Sell             -2   424.00
3         C     Z     5  Sell             -2   423.75
4         C     Z     5  Sell             -3   423.50
5         C     Z     5  Sell             -2   425.50
6         C     Z     5  Sell             -3   425.25
7         C     Z     5  Sell             -2   426.00
8         C     Z     5  Sell             -2   426.75
9        CC     U     5   Buy              5  3328.00
10       SB     V     5   Buy              5    11.65
11       SB     V     5   Buy              5    11.64
12       SB     V     5   Buy              2    11.60
>>> newdf = df >> \
...   select(f.contract, f.month, f.year, f.buys, f.adjusted_lots, f.price) >> \
...   group_by(f.contract, f.month, f.year, f.buys) >> \
...   summarise(
...       qty = sum(f.adjusted_lots), 
...       avgpx = weighted_mean(x = f.price , w = f.adjusted_lots), 
...       comdty = "Comdty"
...   )
[2021-05-24 13:11:03][datar][   INFO] `summarise()` has grouped output by ['contract', 'month', 'year'] (overr
ide with `_groups` argument)
>>> newdf
  contract month  year  buys  qty        avgpx  comdty
0        C     Z     5  Sell  -19   424.828947  Comdty
1       CC     U     5   Buy    5  3328.000000  Comdty
2       SB     V     5   Buy   12    11.637500  Comdty
3        W     Z     5  Sell   -5   554.850000  Comdty
[Groups: ['contract', 'month', 'year'] (n=4)]

我是包的作者。 如果您有任何問題,請隨時提交問題。

ErnestScribbler 的回答比公認的解決方案快得多。 這是一個多元模擬:

def weighted_average(df,data_col,weight_col,by_col):
    ''' Now data_col can be a list of variables '''
    df_data = df[data_col].multiply(df[weight_col], axis='index')
    df_weight = pd.notnull(df[data_col]).multiply(df[weight_col], axis='index')
    df_data[by_col] = df[by_col]
    df_weight[by_col] = df[by_col]    
    result = df_data.groupby(by_col).sum() / df_weight.groupby(by_col).sum()
    return result

遇到類似問題時,我遇到了這個線程。 就我而言,如果在給定的 NFL 比賽中超過一個四分衛嘗試傳球,我想生成一個四分衛評級的加權指標。

如果我在擴展時遇到嚴重的性能問題,我可能會更改代碼。 現在,我更喜歡將我的解決方案與其他轉換一起壓縮到.agg函數中。 很高興看到有人有更簡單的解決方案來達到同樣的目的。 最終,我采用了閉包模式。


def weighted_mean_factory(*args, **kwargs):
    weights = kwargs.get('w').copy()
    def weighted_mean(x):
        x_mask = ~np.isnan(x)
        w = weights.loc[x.index]
        if all(v is False for v in x_mask):
            raise ValueError('there are no non-missing x variable values')

        return np.average(x[x_mask], weights=w[x_mask])
    return weighted_mean

res_df = df.groupby(['game_id', 'team'])\
    .agg(pass_player_cnt=('attempts', count_is_not_zero),
         completions=('completions', 'sum'), 
         attempts=('attempts', 'sum'),
         pass_yds=('pass_yards', 'sum'),
         pass_tds=('pass_tds', 'sum'), 
         pass_int=('pass_int', 'sum'), 
         sack_taken=('sacks_taken', 'sum'), 
         sack_yds_loss=('sack_yds_loss', 'sum'), 
         longest_completion=('longest_completion', 'max'),
         qbr_w_avg=('qb_rating', weighted_mean_factory(x='qb_rating', w=df['attempts']))

下面是形狀為 (5436, 31) 的 DataFrame 上的一些基本基准測試統計數據,就現階段的性能而言,我不必擔心:

149 ms ± 4.75 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

這結合了jrjc原始方法MB工廠方法 它的優點是能夠輕松且通用地重用工廠函數。

def group_weighted_mean_factory(df, w):  # Reusable function.
    # Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/69787938/
    def _group_weighted_mean(x):
        return np.average(x, weights=df.loc[x.index, w])
    return _group_weighted_mean

df = ...  # Define
group_weighted_mean = group_weighted_mean_factory(df, "adjusted_lots")
g = df.groupby(...)  # Define
agg_df = g.agg({'price': group_weighted_mean})


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