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[英]Count occurrences of array in string


我的問題如下,如果我有一個包含多個單詞的數組,如下所示:myArray =“ this”,“ makes”,“ bats”,“ look”,“ funny”

而且我有一串亂七八糟的單詞(包括數組中列出的單詞的一些實例,例如:string =“ jkmakespohbatsllfunnythisqwemakes”

字符串包含單詞“ makes”的兩個實例,一個“ bats”的實例,一個“ funny”的實例,一個“ this”的實例和零個“ look”的實例。




# define a list of your words (call it 'words')

# define the string you want to search through (call it 'jumble')

# Define an empty dictionary that will hold your results. You can use a regular
# dictionary, or a cool thing in Python called "DefaultDict", in the collections module.
# Call it 'count'.

# Now loop through each of your words

   # Start searching at the beginning of your jumble, by
   # specifying a start position of 0. (This will make sense later.)

   # Add another loop here, that keeps looping until we're sure there's no
   # more words to be found.

       # Try to find (hint: check out the 'string' module) the word inside of jumble.

       # If we did NOT find a word
           # We just 'break' out of the inner loop

       # Else If we DID find a word, let's save the position of that word.
       # Call that 'index'.
           # If this is the first time, we put the word in our dictionary
           # with a count of 1
           # Else If this is not the first time, add 1 to the dictionary entry
           # for that word.

       # Now we search AGAIN through the jumble, but start AFTER the
       # position where we saw the first time.

# Now we've exited the entire thing, let's just print out our 'count' dictionary.



colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green']  # Lists

for color in colors:  # For loops

person = {}  # Empty dictionary
person['name'] = 'Symmitchry'  # Add a key / value pair to a dictionary

if 'name' in person:  # Looking for a key in a dictionary
    print('Person has a name:')  # How to print
    print(person['name'])  # How to access a value from a dictionary
else:  # how to write an else statement
    print('Person has no name! Weird.')

import random  # importing a module
x = random.randint()  # Using a function from a module


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