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Python 熊貓重采樣

[英]Python pandas resampling


    Timestamp    S_time1   S_time2   End_Time_1   End_time_2   Sign_1   Sign_2
0    2413044       0        0           0            0          x        x
1    2422476       0        0           0            0          x        x
2    2431908       0        0           0            0          x        x
3    2441341       0        0           0            0          x        x
4    2541232   2526631   2528631     2520631      2530631      10       80
5    2560273   2544946   2546496     2546496      2548496      40       80
6    2577224   2564010   2566010     2566010      2568010     null    null
7    2592905   2580959   2582959     2582959      2584959     null    null

桌子就這樣繼續下去。 第一列是以毫秒為單位的時間戳。 S_time1End_time_1是特定符號(數字)出現的持續時間。 例如,如果我們取第5行, S_time1為2526631, End_time_1為2520631,對應的sign_1為10,即從2526631到2520631會顯示10號。 同樣的事情也適用於S_time2End_time_2 sign_2的相應值將出現在從S_time2End_time_2的持續時間內。

我想在 100 毫秒的 bin 時間內重新采樣索引列 ( Timestamp ) 並檢查符號所屬的 bin 時間。 例如,每個開始時間和結束時間之間有 2000 毫秒的差異。 所以對應的符號號會在連續的20個左右的bin time中重復出現,因為每個bin time是100毫秒。 所以我只需要兩列:一列帶有 bin 時間,第二列帶有符號。 看起來像下表:(我只是舉例說明了bin time)

Bin_time   signs
...100        0
...200        0
...300        10
...400        10
...500        10
...600        10

符號 10 將用於對應的 S_time1 到 End_time_1 的持續時間。 然后下一個符號 80 在 S_time2 到 End_time_2 的持續時間內繼續。 我不確定這是否可以在熊貓中完成。 但我真的需要熊貓或其他方法的幫助。



print df
  Timestamp  S_time1  S_time2  End_Time_1  End_time_2 Sign_1 Sign_2
0    2413044        0        0           0           0      x      x
1    2422476        0        0           0           0      x      x
2    2431908        0        0           0           0      x      x
3    2441341        0        0           0           0      x      x
4    2541232  2526631  2528631     2520631     2530631     10     80
5    2560273  2544946  2546496     2546496     2548496     40     80
6    2577224  2564010  2566010     2566010     2568010   null   null
7    2592905  2580959  2582959     2582959     2584959   null   null


In [231]: %timeit s(df)
1 loops, best of 3: 2.78 s per loop

In [232]: %timeit m(df)
1 loops, best of 3: 690 ms per loop
def m(df):
    #resample column Timestamp by 100ms, convert bak to integers 
    df['Timestamp'] = df['Timestamp'].astype('timedelta64[ms]')
    df['i'] = 1
    df = df.set_index('Timestamp')
    df1 = df[[]].resample('100ms', how='first').reset_index()
    df1['Timestamp'] = (df1['Timestamp'] / np.timedelta64(1, 'ms')).astype(int)
    #felper column i for merging
    df1['i'] = 1
    #print df1

    out = df1.merge(df,on='i', how='left')
    out1 = out[['Timestamp', 'Sign_1']][(out.Timestamp >= out.S_time1) & (out.Timestamp <= out.End_Time_1)]
    out2 = out[['Timestamp', 'Sign_2']][(out.Timestamp >= out.S_time2) & (out.Timestamp <= out.End_time_2)]

    out1 = out1.rename(columns={'Sign_1':'Bin_time'})
    out2 = out2.rename(columns={'Sign_2':'Bin_time'})

    df = pd.concat([out1, out2], ignore_index=True).drop_duplicates(subset='Timestamp')
    df1 = df1.set_index('Timestamp')
    df = df.set_index('Timestamp')
    df = df.reindex(df1.index).reset_index()
    #print df.head(10)
def s(df):
    #resample column Timestamp by 100ms, convert bak to integers 
    df['Timestamp'] = df['Timestamp'].astype('timedelta64[ms]')
    df = df.set_index('Timestamp')
    out = df[[]].resample('100ms', how='first')
    out = out.reset_index()
    out['Timestamp'] = (out['Timestamp'] / np.timedelta64(1, 'ms')).astype(int)
    #print out.head(10)

    #search start end 
    def search(x):
        mask1 = (df.S_time1<=x['Timestamp']) & (df.End_Time_1>=x['Timestamp'])
        #if at least one True return first value of series
        if mask1.any():
                return df.loc[mask1].Sign_1[0]
        #check second start and end time
                mask2 = (df.S_time2<=x['Timestamp']) & (df.End_time_2>=x['Timestamp'])
                if mask2.any():
                    #if at least one True return first value
                    return df.loc[mask2].Sign_2[0]
                    #if all False return NaN
                    return np.nan

    out['Bin_time'] = out.apply(search, axis=1)
    #print out.head(10)


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