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[英]efficient count distinct across columns of DataFrame, grouped by rows

什么是最快的方式(理智pythonicity的范圍內)來計算不同的值,在同樣的列dtype ,用於在每一行DataFrame

詳細信息:我按主題(按行)按天(按列)顯示分類結果的DataFrame ,類似於以下生成的內容。

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def genSampleData(custCount, dayCount, discreteChoices):
    """generate example dataset"""
    return pd.concat([
                columns = np.array(['day%d' % x for x in range(1,int(dayCount)+1)]),
                data = np.random.choice(a=np.array(discreteChoices), 
                                        size=(int(custCount), int(dayCount)))    
               )], axis=1)


# notional discrete choice outcome          
drinkOptions, drinkIndex = np.unique(['coffee','tea','juice','soda','water'], 

# integer-coded discrete choice outcomes
d = genSampleData(2,3, drinkIndex)
#   custId  day1  day2  day3
#0       1     1     4     1
#1       2     3     2     1

# Count distinct choices per subject -- this is what I want to do efficiently on larger DF
d.iloc[:,1:].apply(lambda x: len(np.unique(x)), axis=1)
#0    2
#1    3

# Note: I have coded the choices as `int` rather than `str` to speed up comparisons.
# To reconstruct the choice names, we could do:
# d.iloc[:,1:] = drinkOptions[d.iloc[:,1:]]

我試過的:這個用例中的數據集將包含比天數更多的主題(下面的示例testDf ),所以我試圖找到最有效的逐行操作:

testDf = genSampleData(100000,3, drinkIndex)

#---- Original attempts ----
%timeit -n20 testDf.iloc[:,1:].apply(lambda x: x.nunique(), axis=1)
# I didn't wait for this to finish -- something more than 5 seconds per loop
%timeit -n20 testDf.iloc[:,1:].apply(lambda x: len(x.unique()), axis=1)
# Also too slow
%timeit -n20 testDf.iloc[:,1:].apply(lambda x: len(np.unique(x)), axis=1)
#20 loops, best of 3: 2.07 s per loop


如果raw=True則傳遞的函數將接收ndarray對象。 如果您只是應用NumPy減少功能,這將獲得更好的性能


%timeit -n20 testDf.iloc[:,1:].apply(lambda x: len(np.unique(x)), axis=1, raw=True)
#20 loops, best of 3: 721 ms per loop *best so far*

令我感到驚訝的是,一個純粹的numpy解決方案,似乎與上面的raw=True ,實際上有點慢:

%timeit -n20 np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: len(np.unique(x)), axis=1, arr = testDf.iloc[:,1:].values)
#20 loops, best of 3: 1.04 s per loop

最后,我還嘗試調換數據,以便進DataFrame.apply() 計數不同 ,我認為這可能更有效(至少對於DataFrame.apply() ,但似乎沒有有意義的區別。

%timeit -n20 testDf.iloc[:,1:].T.apply(lambda x: len(np.unique(x)), raw=True)
#20 loops, best of 3: 712 ms per loop *best so far*
%timeit -n20 np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: len(np.unique(x)), axis=0, arr = testDf.iloc[:,1:].values.T)
# 20 loops, best of 3: 1.13 s per loop

到目前為止,我最好的解決方案是df.apply of len(np.unique())的奇怪組合,但我還應該嘗試什么呢?

我的理解是,nunique針對大型系列進行了優化。 在這里,你只有3天。 將每列與其他列進行比較似乎更快:

testDf = genSampleData(100000,3, drinkIndex)
days = testDf.columns[1:]

%timeit testDf.iloc[:, 1:].stack().groupby(level=0).nunique()
10 loops, best of 3: 46.8 ms per loop

%timeit pd.melt(testDf, id_vars ='custId').groupby('custId').value.nunique()
10 loops, best of 3: 47.6 ms per loop

testDf['nunique'] = 1
for col1, col2 in zip(days, days[1:]):
    testDf['nunique'] += ~((testDf[[col2]].values == testDf.ix[:, 'day1':col1].values)).any(axis=1)
100 loops, best of 3: 3.83 ms per loop

當你添加更多列時它會失去優勢。 對於不同數量的列(相同的順序: stack().groupby()pd.melt().groupby()和循環):

10 columns: 143ms, 161ms, 30.9ms
50 columns: 749ms, 968ms, 635ms
100 columns: 1.52s, 2.11s, 2.33s


%timeit -n20 pd.melt(testDf, id_vars ='custId').groupby('custId').value.nunique()
#20 loops, best of 3: 67.3 ms per loop

你不需要custId stack ,然后groupby

testDf.iloc[:, 1:].stack().groupby(level=0).nunique()



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