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[英]Calculate the number of combinations of unique positive integers with minimum and maximum differences between each other?




import itertools

def min_max_differences(integer_list):
    i = 1
    diff_min = max(integer_list)
    diff_max = 1
    while i < len(integer_list):
        diff = (integer_list[i]-integer_list[i-1])
        if diff < diff_min:
            diff_min = diff
        if diff > diff_max:
            diff_max = diff
        i += 1
    return (diff_min,diff_max)

def total_combinations(lower_bound,upper_bound,min_difference,max_difference,elements_selected):
    numbers_range = list(range(lower_bound,upper_bound+1,1))
    all_combos = itertools.combinations(numbers_range,elements_selected)
    min_max_diff_combos = 0
    for c in all_combos:
        if min_max_differences(c)[0] >= min_difference and min_max_differences(c)[1] <= max_difference:
            min_max_diff_combos += 1
    return min_max_diff_combos


您可以將遞歸函數與緩存一起使用來獲取答案。 即使您的數組很大,此方法也將起作用,因為使用相同的參數將某些位置重復多次。
這是給您的代碼(如果我在python中犯了任何錯誤,請原諒我,因為我通常不使用它)。 如果邏輯上有任何流程,請告訴我

# function to get the number of ways to select {target} numbers from the 
# array {numbers} with minimum difference {min} and maximum difference {max}
# starting from position {p}, with the help of caching

dict = {}
def Combinations(numbers, target, min, max, p):
    if target == 1: return 1

    # get a unique key for this position
    key = target * 1000000000000 + min * 100000000 + max * 10000 + p

    if dict.has_key(key): return dict[key]

    ans = 0

    # current start value
    pivot = numbers[p]
    p += 1;
    # increase the position until you reach the minimum
    while p < len(numbers) and numbers[p] - pivot < min:
        p += 1

    # get all the values in the range of min <--> max
    while p < len(numbers) and numbers[p] - pivot <= max:
        ans += Combinations(numbers, target - 1, min, max, p)
        p += 1

    # store the ans for further inquiry
    dict[key] = ans
    return ans

# any range of numbers (must be SORTED as you asked)
numbers = []
for i in range(0,50): numbers.append(i+1)
# number of numbers to select
count = 6
# minimum difference
min = 4
# maximum difference
max = 7
ans = 0
for i in range(0,len(numbers)):
    ans += Combinations(numbers, count, min, max, i)
print ans


import numpy as np
from time import time

SET = range(50) # Set of elements to choose from
N = 6           # N elements to choose
MIN_GAP = 4     # Gaps
MAX_GAP = 7     # ""

def count(N, CHOSEN=[]):
    """ assumption: N > 0 at start """
    if N == 0:
        return 1
        return sum([count(N-1, CHOSEN + [val])
                        for val in SET if (val not in CHOSEN)
                                       and ((not CHOSEN) or ((val - CHOSEN[-1]) >= MIN_GAP))
                                       and ((not CHOSEN) or ((val - CHOSEN[-1]) <= MAX_GAP))])

start_time = time()
count_ = count(N)
print('used time in secs: ', time() - start_time)
print('# solutions: ', count_)


('used time in secs: ', 0.1174919605255127)
('# solutions: ', 23040)


  • 它輸出與Ayman方法相同的解決方案
  • 艾曼(Ayman)的方法更強大(就漸近速度而言)


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