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[英]How to add specific number of inversions to sorted array

給定一個排序數組,有沒有辦法在特定位置插入特定數量的反轉? 起初我以為這很簡單,但是后來意識到反轉可以彼此“撤消”。 考慮:



使用完索引后,刪除索引也不起作用。 例如1,2,3-> 3,2,1,如果我們排除了第一個索引和最后一個索引,則會錯過3,1,2的排列,因此這種方法行不通。

它不必是數組。 它可以是列表或其他結構。


Number of inversions in an array is -

For a given array a[n]

    An inversion is -
    if a[i] > a[j] such that i<j

    Max number of inversions = n*(n-1)/2 
    where n is the size of array

Now use this algorithm , Inversion with count k

    0. Sort the array in ascending order
    1. Find greatest l, such that l(l-1)/2 < k
    2. Take first l smallest numbers and arrange in descending order.
    3. Compute m = k - l(l-1)/2
    4. Place the (l+1)th smallest number and place it at (l-m + 1)th
 position, shifting others by one place to the right.

Example : 
arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
Inversion = 8
l = 4 , as 4*3/2 = 6
m = 8 - 6 = 2


    0. Sorting the array => [1,2,3,4,5]
    1. l = 4
    2. 4 3 2 1 5
    3. m = 2
    4. Placing 5 at 3rd position, by shifting others one place to right => 4 3 5 2 1

Hence your answer become 4 3 5 2 1


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