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[英]How to find how many times the same object appears in a list and then find a property of the most appeared object

我正在為一些編程實踐做一個撲克手評估器,我已經提交給codereview堆棧交換。 我需要能夠正確地比較雙手,為此我需要看到對的價值。 我目前檢查雙手班

 private static PokerHandsRank CheckHandForPairs(Hand hand)

        var faceCount = (from card in hand.Cards
                         group card by card.Face
                         into g
                         let count = g.Count()
                         orderby count descending
                         select count).Take(2).ToList(); // take two to check if multiple pairs of pairs, if second in list is 1 there will be two pairs

        switch (faceCount[0])
            case 1: return PokerHandsRank.HighCard;
            case 2: return faceCount[1] == 1 ? PokerHandsRank.Pair : PokerHandsRank.TwoPair;
            case 3: return faceCount[1] == 1 ? PokerHandsRank.ThreeOfKind : PokerHandsRank.FullHouse;
            case 4: return PokerHandsRank.FourOfKind;
            default: throw new Exception("something went wrong here");



 public int CompareTo(Hand other)
        if (HandRank == other.HandRank) //if the hand rank is equal, sort the cards by face value and compare the two biggest
            sortHandbyFace(this); // sorts cards into order by face
            for (int i = 4; 0 <= i; i--)
                if (Cards[i].Face == other.Cards[i].Face)
                    if (i == 0) return 0;
                return Cards[i].Face > other.Cards[i].Face ? 1 : -1;
        return HandRank > other.HandRank ? 1 : -1;



這可能不是您正在尋找的,因為您正在比較object而不僅僅是int ,但這可以幫助您開始。 基於這個問題: 如何獲得存儲在C#列表中的元素的頻率

using System.Linq;

List<int> ids = //
int maxFrequency = 0;
int IDOfMax = 0;

foreach(var grp in ids.GroupBy(i => i))
    if (grp.Count() > maxFrequency) 
        maxFrequency = grp.Count();
        IDOfMax = grp.Key;

// The object (int in this case) that appears most frequently 
// can be identified with grp.key

更新:在重新閱讀問題之后 ,聽起來您需要嘗試使用查詢中的計數和面值返回一個新對象。


public class FaceCountResult
    public int Count { get; set; }
    public Face FaceValue { get; set; }

    public FaceCountResult(int count, Face faceValue)
        Count = count;
        FaceValue = faceValue;

然后, faceCount應該看起來像這樣:

var faceCount = (from card in hand.Cards
                 group card by card.Face
                 into g
                 let count = g.Count()
                 orderby count descending
                 select new FaceCountResult(count, card.Face);


然后,你可以做一個switchfaceCount[0].Count ,並使用faceCount[0].FaceValue獲得面值。


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