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[英]How to create lambdas and add them to actions using reflection

假設在C#中我有一個具有任意數量的Actions ,它可以有任意數量的泛型參數:

public class Container
    public Action a;
    public Action<float> b;
    public Action<int, float> c;
    // etc...


public static void Main()
    Container container = new Container();

    container.a += () => Console.WriteLine("a was called");
    container.b += (temp1) => Console.WriteLine("b was called");
    container.c += (temp1, temp2) => Console.WriteLine("c was called");

    container.c(1, 1.5f);


public static void Main()
    Container container = new Container();


    if(container.a != null) container.a();
    if(container.b != null) container.b(1.5f);
    if(container.c != null) container.c(1, 1.5f);

public static void GenerateDebug(Container c)
    Type t = c.GetType();
    FieldInfo[] fields = t.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
    foreach(FieldInfo field in fields)
        Action callback = () => Console.WriteLine(field.Name + " was called");

        Type[] actionArgTypes = field.FieldType.GetGenericArguments();
        if(actionArgTypes.Length == 0)
            Action action = field.GetValue(c) as System.Action;
            action += callback;
            field.SetValue(c, action);
            // 1. Create an Action<T1, T2, ...> object that takes the types in 'actionArgTypes' which wraps the 'callback' action
            // 2. Add this new lambda to the current Action<T1, T2, ...> field 

我能夠在沒有參數的情況下獲得所需的Action結果 - 上面的代碼確實打印出"a was called" - 但我不知道如何為泛型做這件事。


  1. 使用reflection來使用actionArgTypes的類型創建Action<T1, T2, ...> object ,該類型包含對callback操作的callback
  2. 將此新創建的對象添加到字段指定的通用操作中。


這是一個使用Expression s的相當簡單的實現,可以直接使用ILGenerator ,但在這種情況下這不值得麻煩。

public static void GenerateDebug(Container c)
    Type t = c.GetType();
    FieldInfo[] fields = t.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
    foreach(FieldInfo field in fields)
        var fieldName = field.Name;
        Type[] actionArgTypes = field.FieldType.GetGenericArguments();
        // Create paramter expression for each argument
        var parameters = actionArgTypes.Select(Expression.Parameter).ToArray();
        // Create method call expression with a constant argument
        var writeLineCall = Expression.Call(typeof(Console).GetMethod("WriteLine", new [] {typeof(string)}), Expression.Constant(fieldName + " was called"));
        // Create and compile lambda using the fields type
        var lambda = Expression.Lambda(field.FieldType, writeLineCall, parameters);
        var @delegate = lambda.Compile();
        var action = field.GetValue(c) as Delegate;
        // Combine and set delegates
        action = Delegate.Combine(action, @delegate);
        field.SetValue(c, action);

這是使用ILGenerator的相同功能,它應該與.net framework 2.0+以及.net core一起使用。 在現實生活中,應該有檢查,緩存,可能還有整個裝配架:

public static void GenerateDebug(Container c)
    Type t = c.GetType();
    FieldInfo[] fields = t.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
    foreach(FieldInfo field in fields)
        var fieldName = field.Name;
        Type[] actionArgTypes = field.FieldType.GetGenericArguments();

        var dm = new DynamicMethod(fieldName, typeof(void), actionArgTypes);
        var il = dm.GetILGenerator();
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, fieldName + " was called using ilgen");
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, typeof(Console).GetMethod("WriteLine", new [] {typeof(string)}));

        var @delegate = dm.CreateDelegate(field.FieldType);
        var action = field.GetValue(c) as Delegate;
        // Combine and set delegates
        action = Delegate.Combine(action, @delegate);
        field.SetValue(c, action);


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