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[英]Implementation of Interface Segregation Principle Example given in Uncle Bob's Agile Principles Book

我對圖12-1的實現正確嗎? 圖12-1

這是Bob叔叔的書《 C#中的敏捷原理模式和實踐》中接口污染示例的實現。


using System;

namespace AgilePrinciplesCSharp.Chapter12.Listing12_2
    class Listing12_2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var door = new TimedDoor();
            var client = new Client(door);

    public interface ITimerClient
        void TimeOut();

    // We force Door, and therefore (indirectly) TimedDoor, to inherit from TimerClient.
    public interface IDoor : ITimerClient
        void Lock();
        void Unlock();
        bool IsDoorOpen();

    // Implementation of Door Interface with Timer functionality
    public class TimedDoor : IDoor
        public bool IsDoorOpen()
            return true;

        public void Lock()
            Console.WriteLine("Door Locked");

        public void TimeOut()
            var timer = new Timer();
            timer.Register(5, this);
            Console.WriteLine("Timeout! Door left open for so long");

        public void Unlock()
            Console.WriteLine("Door Unlocked");

    // Timer class can use an object of TimerClient
    public class Timer
        public void Register(int timeout, ITimerClient client)
            /* CODE */

    // Client uses Door Interface without depending upon any particular implementation of Door
    public class Client
        IDoor door;

        public Client(IDoor door)
            this.door = door;

        public void TimeOut()

我的疑問是書中描述實現的方式,其中Door有時被稱為類或有時被稱為接口,而我是否需要除IDoor接口之外還需要單獨的Door類實現而感到困惑? 同樣,作者在命名接口時不使用I表示法,這使它更加混亂。


注意:這本書也可以在線閱讀。 討論位於第215頁 。https://druss.co/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Agile-Principles-Patterns-and-Practices-in-C.pdf




如果我沒看錯, TimedDoor應該繼承 Door 但是在您的示例中, TimedDoor 實現了 IDoor 這與圖表不一致。


class TimedDoor : Door

我認為您不需要IDoor 該示例的觀點是, Door必須實現ITimerClient才能使Timer對其執行操作。 ITimerClient應該公開一個公共成員Timeout() 大概是當計時器調用此方法時,如果門是定時門,則門應自行解鎖。 默認行為(例如,對於非定時門)可能是無操作。

interface ITimerClient
    void Timeout();

class Door : ITimerClient
    public virtual void Timeout()
        //No operation; this isn't a timed door


class TimedDoor : Door
    protected bool locked = true;

    public override void Timeout()
        this.Unlock();  //Override default behavior because this type of door is timed
        base.Timeout();  //Optional, sometimes recommended

    public virtual void Unlock()
        this.locked = false;



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