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[英]Efficient way to compare two lists of different lengths - Python



list_A = ['CAT - cats are great', 'DOG - dogs are great too'] 
list_B = ['CAT - cats are great(A)DOG - dogs are great too(B)', 'DOG - dogs are great too(B)']

我希望我的計數返回: [2, 1]


list = []
for i in range(len(list_B)):
    count = 0
    for j in range(len(list_A)):
        if (list_A[j] in list_B[i]):
            count += 1
return list

任何幫助將非常感激! 謝謝 :)

由於您正在尋找子字符串,因此我認為沒有任何方法可以對其進行優化。 不過,您可以使用列表推導和sum()簡化代碼。

result = [sum(phrase in sentence for phrase in list_A) for sentence in list_B]

如果您事先知道list_A ,或者只需要運行一次,則@Barmar的答案是快速正確的。 如果不是這種情況,您可以考慮使用以下方法(它也應該很快,但是步驟更多)。

import collections 

def count(target, summaries):
    return [sum(s[t] for t in target) for s in summaries]

mines = ['aa', 'ab', 'abc', 'aabc']
summaries = [collections.Counter(m) for m in mines]
gold = ['a', 'b']
silver = ['c']
assert count(gold, summaries) == [2, 2, 2, 3]
assert count(silver, summaries) == [0, 0, 1, 1]


我之前實際上已經回答了一個幾乎相同的問題,可以在這里找到: https : //stackoverflow.com/a/55914487/2284490唯一的區別是您想知道len(matches)而不是any(matches)算法。

可以有效解決Aho Corasick算法的變化

這是一種高效的字典匹配算法,可以同時在O(p + q + r)中定位文本中的模式,其中p =模式長度, q =文本長度, r =返回的匹配長度。



class AhoNode(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.goto = {}
        self.count = 0
        self.fail = None

def aho_create_forest(patterns):
    root = AhoNode()
    for path in patterns:
        node = root
        for symbol in path:
            node = node.goto.setdefault(symbol, AhoNode())
        node.count += 1
    return root

def aho_create_statemachine(patterns):
    root = aho_create_forest(patterns)
    queue = []
    for node in root.goto.itervalues():
        node.fail = root
    while queue:
        rnode = queue.pop(0)
        for key, unode in rnode.goto.iteritems():
            fnode = rnode.fail
            while fnode is not None and key not in fnode.goto:
                fnode = fnode.fail
            unode.fail = fnode.goto[key] if fnode else root
            unode.count += unode.fail.count
    return root

def aho_count_all(s, root):
    total = 0
    node = root
    for i, c in enumerate(s):
        while node is not None and c not in node.goto:
            node = node.fail
        if node is None:
            node = root
        node = node.goto[c]
        total += node.count
    return total

def pattern_counter(patterns):
    ''' Returns an efficient counter function that takes a string
    and returns the number of patterns matched within it
    machine = aho_create_statemachine(patterns)
    def counter(text):
        return aho_count_all(text, machine)
    return counter


patterns = ['CAT - cats are great', 'DOG - dogs are great too'] 
counter = pattern_counter(patterns)
text_list = ['CAT - cats are great(A)DOG - dogs are great too(B)',
             'DOG - dogs are great too(B)']
for text in text_list:
    print '%r - %s' % (text, counter(text))


'CAT - cats are great(A)DOG - dogs are great too(B)' - 2
'DOG - dogs are great too(B)' - 1

請注意,此解決方案分別計算每個匹配項,因此在“ aba”中查找“ a”和“ b”將得出3。如果每個模式只需要一個匹配項,則需要跟蹤所有看到的模式,因此需要對次要模式進行跟蹤修改以將整數轉換為集合:

- self.count = 0
+ self.seen = set()
- node.count += 1
+ node.seen.add(path)
- unode.count += unode.fail.count
+ unode.seen |= unode.fail.seen
- total = 0
+ all_seen = set()
- total += node.count
+ all_seen |= node.seen
- return total
+ return len(all_seen)


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