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C++ 中兩個映射之間的同時聯合和交集

[英]Simultaneous Union and Intersection between two maps in C++

在做一個大學項目時,我遇到了以下問題:我有兩個地圖(Kmer1 和 Kmer2),它們由一個字符串(鍵)和一個整數(值)組成。 我必須計算遵循這個公式的距離


     ...U = the sum of all int values inside Kmer1 U Kmer2
     ...I = the sum of all int values inside Kmer1 ∩ Kmer2

Consider that...
             ... The U and ∩ are made evaluating the keys (strings)
             ... When an element is in both maps:
                 - At the Union we add the one with higher int value
                 - At the Intersection we add the one with lower int value


Kmer1 = AAB¹ AAC¹ AAG³
Kmer2 = AAG¹ AAT² ABB¹

Union = AAB¹ AAC¹ AAG³ AAT² ABB¹   U= 8
Intersection = AAG¹                I= 1
Distance = 87.5

代碼時間。 我一直在嘗試解決它,但所有解決方案都像。,部分正確。 並非所有情況都被涵蓋,所以當我試圖涵蓋它們時,我以無限循環結束,異常上升。 無論如何,if-else 的長長的巢(這很糟糕。):這是最不糟糕且不起作用的嘗試:


Species::Kmer Kmer1, Kmer2;        //The two following lines get the Kmer from another
Kmer1 = esp1->second.query_kmer(); //object.
Kmer2 = esp2->second.query_kmer(); 

Species::Kmer::const_iterator it1, it2, last1, last2;
it1 = Kmer1.cbegin();           //Both Kmer are maps, therefore they are ordered and
it2 = Kmer2.cbegin();           //whitout duplicates.
last1 = --Kmer1.cend();
last2 = --Kmer2.cend();

double U, I;
U = I = 0;


while (it1 != Kmer1.cend() and it2 != Kmer2.cend()){
    if (it1->first == it2->first) {         
        if (it1->second > it2->second) {
            U += it1->second;
            I += it2->second;
        } else {
            U += it2->second;
            I += it1->second;

    } else if (it1->first < it2->first) {
        U += it1->second;
    } else {
        U += it2->second;

請注意,我不是先創建聯合和交集,然后再計算每個的總和,而是直接跳到值的總和。 我知道也許這並不難,但我一直在努力解決它,但我幾乎被困住了......

I've uploaded the whole code at Github: (Maybe it helps)
    - There is a makefile to build the code
    - There is a file called input.txt with a sample for this specific problem
    - Also inside the input.txt, after line13 (fin) I've added the expected output
    - Executing ./program.exe < input.txt should be enough to test it.


重要的是。 我知道幾乎所有的 STL 功能都可以在幾行中做到這一點但是......由於這是一個大學項目,我受到教學大綱的限制所以考慮我只允許使用“地圖“”“字符串”“向量”等等,不。我不能使用“算法”(我真的希望我可以)我會澄清關於我可以在評論中做或使用哪些事情的任何疑問。

在主 while 循環之后添加這兩個循環。

while (it1 != Kmer1.cend()){
    U += it1->second;
while (it2 != Kmer2.cend()){
    U += it2->second;

這是一個相當簡單的解決方案,僅使用std::map的一些屬性,沒有迭代器。 我希望你被允許使用這種解決方案。

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>

int main () {
    std::map <std::string, int> A = {{"AAB", 1}, {"AAC", 1}, {"AAG", 3}};
    std::map <std::string, int> B = {{"AAG", 1}, {"AAT", 2}, {"ABB", 1}};

    std::map <std::string, int> Union;
    int sum_A = 0, sum_B = 0, sum_Union = 0, sum_Inter = 0;;

    for (auto &x: A) {
        Union[x.first] = std::max (Union[x.first], x.second);
        sum_A += x.second;
    for (auto &x: B) {
        Union[x.first] = std::max (Union[x.first], x.second);
        sum_B += x.second;
    for (auto &x: Union) {
        sum_Union += x.second;
    sum_Inter = sum_A + sum_B - sum_Union;
    double distance = 100.0 * (1.0 - double(sum_Inter)/sum_Union);

    std::cout << "sum_Union = " << sum_Union << " sum_Inter = " << sum_Inter << "\n";
    std::cout << "Distance = " << distance << "\n";

unordered_mapping的一種更簡潔的方法,但仍然適用於mapping ,是將Kmer1的所有元素添加到U ,並將共享元素添加到I 然后將Kmer2的所有未共享元素添加到U

for(it1 = Kmer1.cbegin(); it1 != Kmer1.cend(); it1++) {
    auto other = Kmer2.find(it1->first);
    if(other == Kmer2.cend()) {
        U += it1->second;
    } else {
        U += max(it1->second, other->second);
        I += min(it1->second, other->second);
for(it2 = Kmer2.cbegin(); it2 != Kmer2.cend(); it2++) {
    if(Kmer1.count(it2->first) == 0) {
        U += it2->second

對於正確實現的unordered_mapping (哈希表), find操作將是O(1) ,而不是O(log(n) ,使其更快一些。


while ( true ){
    bool end1 = it1 == Kmer1.cend();
    bool end2 = it2 == Kmer2.cend();
    if( end1 and end2 )

    if( end2 or it1->first < it2->first ) {
        U += (it1++)->second;
    if( end1 or it2->first < it1->first ) {
        U += (it2++)->second;
    auto p = std::minmax( (it1++)->second, (it2++)->second );
    I += p.first;
    U += p.second;


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