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將點的 np.array 投影到段的 np.array

[英]Project np.array of points to np.array of segments

我有以下工作代碼將單個點投影到數組中的每個段。 但我希望將點數組中的每個點投影到每個段。

import numpy as np

#find closest segment to single point
#line segment
l1 = np.array([[2,3,0],[7,5,0]])   
l2 = np.array([[5,1,0],[8,6,0]])
#point that gets projected
p = np.array([[6,5,0]]) #only single point

#set to origin
line = l2-l1
pv = p-l1  

#length of line squared
len_sq = np.sum(line**2, axis = 1) #len_sq = numpy.einsum("ij,ij->i", line, line)

#dot product of 3D vectors with einsum
dot = np.einsum('ij,ij->i',line,pv) #np.sum(line*pv,axis=1)

#percentage of line the pv vector travels in
param = np.array([dot/len_sq])

#param<0 projected point=l1, param>1 pp=l2
clamped_param = np.clip(param,0,1)

#add line fraction to l1 to get projected point
pp = l1+(clamped_param.T*line)


p = np.array([[6,5,0],[3,2,0]]) #multiple points

並返回 4 個投影點的 np.array()。

也許您可以嘗試以下方法。 如果項目是 function 可以對單個點進行操作,那么通過沿軸應用,您可以使其對點數組中的所有點進行操作。 output 作為每個點的單獨生成器產生,必須使用堆疊操作將其轉換回單個數組。

l1 = np.array([[2,3,0],[7,5,0]])   
l2 = np.array([[5,1,0],[8,6,0]])
line = l2-l1
len_sq = np.sum(line**2, axis = 1)

def project(p):
    pv = p-l1
    dot = np.einsum('ij,ij->i',line,pv) 
    param = np.array([dot/len_sq])
    clamped_param = np.clip(param,0,1)
    yield l1+(clamped_param.T*line)

pts = np.array([[6,5,0],

gen = np.apply_along_axis(project, 1, pts)
out = np.hstack([list(G) for G in gen])[0]


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