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用於向量數據結構中的向量的 Python

[英]Python for vector in vector data structure


[5] [x, y, z]
[1] [a]
[8] [b, c, d, e]


stream = [[], []]
for i in range( 0, line_count ):
    num = arr1[ i ]
    item = arr2[ i ]
    found = 0
    # stream is empty in the beginning
    if len( stream ) == 0:
        stream.append( num )

    # stream is non-empty
    for j in range( 0, len(stream) ):
        if num in stream[ j ]:
           idx = stream.index( num )
           stream[ idx ].append( item )
           found = 1

    # stream is not empty and we didn't find num
    if found == 0:
        stream.append( num )
        stream[ len(stream)-1 ].append( item )


    stream[ len(stream)-1 ].append( item )
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'append'

盡管我猜stream = [[], []]已被定義為二維數組stream = [[], []]但似乎我沒有正確定義 vector 中的向量? 那我怎么定義這樣的事情呢?

最后一個元素stream[ len(stream)-1 ]不是一個列表,因為當你執行stream.append( num )stream列表變成[ [], [], num ]
如果我理解正確,您正在嘗試執行stream = [ [5, [x, y, z]], [1, [a]]...] 如果是這樣,以下代碼可能有效:

if found == 0:
        stream.append( [num] ) # Append as a list contains num as element
        stream[ len(stream)-1 ].append( item )


if found == 0:
        stream.append( [num] ) # Append as a list contains num as element
        stream[-1].append( item ) # -1 means the last index

如果要將每個num映射到特定array ,也可以使用 Dictionary 。


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