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重新索引 Pyspark Dataframe,每個組的日期為年-周格式

[英]Reindex Pyspark Dataframe with dates in Year-Week format for each group

我有以下 Pyspark dataframe:

id1  id2   date         col1    col2 
1     1    2022-W01      5       10
1     2    2022-W02      2       5
1     3    2022-W03      3       8
1     5    2022-W05      5       3
2     2    2022-W03      2       2
2     6    2022-W05      4       1
2     8    2022-W07      3       2

我想為每個 id1 填寫缺失的日期並獲得如下內容:

id1  id2   date         col1    col2 
1     1    2022-W01      5       10
1     2    2022-W02      2       5
1     3    2022-W03      3       8
1     NA   2022-W04      NA      NA
1     5    2022-W05      5       3
2     2    2022-W03      2       2
2     NA   2022-W04      NA      NA
2     6    2022-W05      4       1
12    NA   2022-W06      NA      NA
2     8    2022-W07      3       2


   .withColumn('date',F.expr("explode(sequence(min_date,max_date,interval 1 week))"))\

主要問題是我的日期采用特定格式“2022-W01”。 我找不到快速解決方案

r= regexp_extract('date','\d$',0 )
new = (
          df.withColumn('y', min(r).over(w).astype('int'))
            .withColumn('x', max(r).over(w).astype('int'))
          #extract trailing digits in date, use min and max to create sequence, use array except to find missing dates' digits
          .withColumn('z', array_except(sequence(col('y'), col('x')),collect_list(r.astype('int')).over(w)))
          # explode column generated above
          #concat missing digits and dates to create new dates
         .withColumn('date',concat(regexp_replace('date', '\d$',''),col('z')))
          # select required columns
          # drop duplicates

#Create new df by appending outcome of above to existing df and sorting
df.unionByName(new, allowMissingColumns=True).sort('id1','date').show()

|id1| id2|    date|col1|col2|
|  1|   1|2022-W01|   5|  10|
|  1|   2|2022-W02|   2|   5|
|  1|   3|2022-W03|   3|   8|
|  1|null|2022-W04|null|null|
|  1|   5|2022-W05|   5|   3|
|  2|   2|2022-W03|   2|   2|
|  2|null|2022-W04|null|null|
|  2|   6|2022-W05|   4|   1|
|  2|null|2022-W06|null|null|
|  2|   8|2022-W07|   3|   2|


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