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Python 4 维球体上点的均匀分布

[英]Python Uniform distribution of points on 4 dimensional sphere

I need a uniform distribution of points on a 4 dimensional sphere.我需要在 4 维球面上均匀分布点。 I know this is not as trivial as picking 3 angles and using polar coordinates.我知道这不像选择 3 个角度和使用极坐标那么简单。

In 3 dimensions I use在我使用的 3 个维度中

from random import random

costheta = 2*u -1 #for distribution between -1 and 1
theta = acos(costheta)
phi = 2*pi*random


This gives a uniform distribution of x, y and z.这给出了 x、y 和 z 的均匀分布。

How can I obtain a similar distribution for 4 dimensions?如何获得 4 个维度的类似分布?

A standard way , though, perhaps not the fastest , is to use Muller's method to generate uniformly distributed points on an N-sphere:然而,一种标准方法,也许不是最快的,是使用穆勒的方法在 N 球面上生成均匀分布的点:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as axes3d

N = 600
dim = 3

norm = np.random.normal
normal_deviates = norm(size=(dim, N))

radius = np.sqrt((normal_deviates**2).sum(axis=0))
points = normal_deviates/radius

fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection='3d'))


Simply change dim = 3 to dim = 4 to generate points on a 4-sphere.只需将dim = 3更改为dim = 4即可在 4 球体上生成点。

Take a point in 4D space whose coordinates are distributed normally, and calculate its unit vector.在4D空间中取一个坐标正态分布的点,计算其单位向量。 This will be on the unit 4-sphere.这将在单位 4 球体上。

from random import random
import math
r=math.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z + w*w)
print (x,y,z,w)

I like @unutbu's answer if the gaussian sampling really creates an evenly spaced spherical distribution (unlike sampling from a cube), but to avoid sampling on a Gaussian distribution and to have to prove that, there is a simple solution: to sample on a uniform distribution on a sphere (not on a cube).我喜欢@unutbu 的回答,如果高斯采样真的创建了一个均匀分布的球面分布(与从立方体采样不同),但是为了避免对高斯分布进行采样并且必须证明这一点,有一个简单的解决方案:在均匀分布采样分布在球体上(不是在立方体上)。

  1. Generate points on a uniform distribution .均匀分布上生成点。
  2. Compute the squared radius of each point (avoid the square root).计算每个点的平方半径(避免平方根)。
  3. Discard points :丢弃积分
    • Discard points for which the squared radius is greater than 1 (thus, for which the unsquared radius is greater than 1).丢弃平方半径大于 1 的点(因此,非平方半径大于 1)。
    • Discard points too close to a radius of zero to avoid numerical instabilities related to the division in the next step.丢弃太接近零半径的点,以避免在下一步中与除法相关的数值不稳定性。
  4. For each sampled point kept, divide the sampled point by the norm so as to renormalize it the unit radius.对于保留的每个采样点,将采样点除以范数,以将其重新归一化为单位半径。
  5. Wash and repeat for more points because of discarded samples.由于丢弃的样品,清洗并重复更多点。

This obviously works in an n-dimensional space, since the radius is always the L2-norm in higher dimensions.这显然适用于 n 维空间,因为半径始终是更高维度的 L2 范数。

It is fast so as avoiding a square-root and sampling on a Gaussian distribution, but it's not a vectorized algorithm.它很快,以避免在高斯分布上进行平方根和采样,但它不是矢量化算法。

I found a good solution for sampling from N-dim sphere.我找到了一个从 N-dim 球体采样的好方法 The main idea is:主要思想是:

If Y is drawn from the uncorrelated multivariate normal distribution, then S = Y / ||Y||如果 Y 来自不相关的多元正态分布,则S = Y / ||Y|| has the uniform distribution on the unit d-sphere.在单位 d 球面上具有均匀分布。 Multiplying S by U 1/d , where U has the uniform distribution on the unit interval (0,1), creates the uniform distribution in the unit d-dimensional ball.将 S 乘以U 1/d ,其中 U 在单位间隔 (0,1) 上具有均匀分布,在单位 d 维球中创建均匀分布。

Here is the python code to do this:这是执行此操作的python代码:

Y = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=[0], cov=np.eye(1,1), size=(n_dims, n_samples))
Y = np.squeeze(Y, -1)
Y /= np.sqrt(np.sum(Y * sample_isotropic, axis=0))
U = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=(n_samples)) ** (1/n_dims)
Y *= distr * radius # in my case radius is one

This is what I get for the sphere:这是我得到的球体:


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