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[英]Regular Distribution of Points in the Volume of a Sphere

I'm trying to generate a regular n number of points within the volume of a sphere.我正在尝试在球体的体积内生成规则的n个点。 I found this similar answer ( https://scicomp.stackexchange.com/questions/29959/uniform-dots-distribution-in-a-sphere ) on generating a uniform regular n number of points on the surface of a sphere, with the following code:我发现这个类似的答案( https://scicomp.stackexchange.com/questions/29959/uniform-dots-distribution-in-a-sphere )在球体表面上生成均匀的规则n个点,与以下代码:

import numpy as np 

n = 5000
r = 1
z = []
y = []
x = []
alpha = 4.0*np.pi*r*r/n 
d = np.sqrt(alpha) 
m_nu = int(np.round(np.pi/d))
d_nu = np.pi/m_nu
d_phi = alpha/d_nu
count = 0
for m in range (0,m_nu):
    nu = np.pi*(m+0.5)/m_nu
    m_phi = int(np.round(2*np.pi*np.sin(nu)/d_phi))
    for n in range (0,m_phi):
        phi = 2*np.pi*n/m_phi
        xp = r*np.sin(nu)*np.cos(phi)
        yp = r*np.sin(nu)*np.sin(phi)
        zp = r*np.cos(nu)
        count = count +1

which works as intended:按预期工作:


How can I modify this to generate a regular set of n points in the volume of a sphere?如何修改它以在球体体积中生成一组常规的n点?

Another method to do this, yielding uniformity in volume:另一种方法来做到这一点,产生体积均匀:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np

dim_len = 30
spacing = 2 / dim_len
point_cloud = np.mgrid[-1:1:spacing, -1:1:spacing, -1:1:spacing].reshape(3, -1).T

point_radius = np.linalg.norm(point_cloud, axis=1)
sphere_radius = 0.5
in_points = point_radius < sphere_radius

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(point_cloud[in_points, 0], point_cloud[in_points, 1], point_cloud[in_points, 2], )

Output (matplotlib mixes up the view but it is a uniformly sampled sphere (in volume)) Output(matplotlib 混淆了视图,但它是一个均匀采样的球体(体积))


Uniform sampling, then checking if points are in the sphere or not by their radius.均匀采样,然后通过半径检查点是否在球体中。

Uniform sampling reference [see this answer's edit history for naiive sampling].统一抽样参考[请参阅此答案的编辑历史以了解天真抽样]。

This method has the drawback of generating redundant points which are then discarded.这种方法的缺点是会生成冗余点,然后将其丢弃。
It has the upside of vectorization, which probably makes up for the drawback.它具有矢量化的优点,这可能弥补了缺点。 I didn't check.我没有检查。

With fancy indexing, one could generate the same points as this method without generating redundant points, but I doubt it can be easily (or at all) vectorized.通过花哨的索引,可以生成与此方法相同的点而不会生成冗余点,但我怀疑它是否可以轻松(或根本不)矢量化。

Sample uniformly along X. For every value of X, you draw two Y from X²+Y²=1.沿 X 均匀采样。对于每个 X 值,您从 X²+Y²=1 绘制两个 Y。 Sample uniformly between these two Y. Then for every (X, Y) pair, you draw two Z from X²+Y²+Z²=1.在这两个 Y 之间均匀采样。然后对于每个 (X, Y) 对,从 X²+Y²+Z²=1 中绘制两个 Z。 Sample uniformly between these two Z.在这两个 Z 之间均匀采样。

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