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[英]back-tab with 2D QR barcode

I need to put a "back-tab" into a bar code. 我需要在条形码中放入“后标签”。 I'm assuming I cannot do this, since there is no ASCII equivalent character associated with it, unlike "tab" with is ascii character 0x09 我假设我无法执行此操作,因为没有与之关联的ASCII等效字符,不像“ tab”中的ascii字符为0x09

I have a form that I want to fill in by scanning a QR barcode. 我有一个要通过扫描QR条码填写的表格。 There is a field on the form that when using the keyboard to fill in - you would select "shift-tab" on your keyboard to go back to the field, and then tab to move onto the next field. 表单上有一个字段,使用键盘填写时,可以在键盘上选择“ shift-tab”返回该字段,然后使用Tab移至下一个字段。

Any idea how I can accomplish this? 知道我该如何做到吗?

Yes there's no "back tab" character. 是的,没有“后退标签”字符。

You can certainly encode byte value 9 in a QR code, and it is entirely valid in QR code byte mode, where bytes are interpreted as ISO-8859-1. 您当然可以在QR码中对字节值9进行编码,并且在QR码字节模式下完全有效,其中字节被解释为ISO-8859-1。

However it's up to the reader as to what's done with the data. 但是,这取决于读者如何处理数据。 Even if there were such a character, it would not necessarily do something specific like enter a form field and be interpreted as a control rather than text. 即使存在这样的字符,也不一定会执行某些特定的操作,例如输入表单字段并被解释为控件而不是文本。

So no you can't do this, but you could read a QR code and then write custom code to do whatever you need to do based on its content. 因此,您不能这样做,但是您可以阅读QR码,然后编写自定义代码以根据其内容执行所需的操作。

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