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[英]OpenGL sampler object not updating bound texture

I am currently binding a sampler object to a texture unit (GL_TEXTURE12 to be specific) with 我目前正在将采样器对象绑定到纹理单元(具体来说是GL_TEXTURE12)

glBindSampler(12, sampler)

and the initial settings are very visible compared to the textures own settings. 与纹理自己的设置相比,初始设置非常明显。 But when I change the samplers parameters with 但是当我用以下方式更改采样器参数时

glSamplerParameteri(sampler, GL_TEXTURE_***_FILTER, filter);

the texture bound to the texture unit filters just the same as it did before with no apparent change from any perspective. 绑定到纹理单元的纹理过滤器与以前一样,但从任何角度看都没有明显变化。

I have tried re-binding the sampler to the texture unit again after the parameter change but I'm pretty sure this isn't required. 我已经尝试在参数更改后再次将采样器重新绑定到纹理单元,但是我敢肯定这不是必需的。

What changes can I make to get this working? 我可以进行哪些更改以使其正常工作?

Since I could not explain why this statement: "I have tried re-binding the texture unit to the sampler again after the parameter change but I'm pretty sure this isn't required." 因为我无法解释为什么这样说: “我已经尝试在更改参数后再次将纹理单元重新绑定到采样器,但是我很确定这不是必需的。” makes no sense in comments, consider the following C pseudo-code. 在注释中没有意义,请考虑以下C伪代码。

/* Thin state wrapper */
struct SamplerObject {
  SamplerState sampler_state;

/* Subsumes SamplerObject */
struct TextureObject {
  ImageData*   image_data;
  SamplerState sampler_state;

/* Binding point: GL4.x gives you at least 80 of these (16 per-shader stage) */
struct TextureImageUnit {
  TextureObject* bound_texture; /* Default = NULL */
  SamplerObject* bound_sampler; /* Default = NULL */
} TextureUnits [16 * 5];

vec4 texture2D ( GLuint n,
                 vec2   tex_coords )
  /* By default, sampler state is sourced from the bound texture object */
  SamplerState* sampler_state = &TextureUnits [n]->bound_texture->sampler_state;

  /* If there is a sampler object bound to texture unit N, use its state instead
       of the sampler state built-in to the bound texture object. */
  if (TextureUnits [n]->bound_sampler != NULL)
    sampler_state = &TextureUnits [n]->bound_sampler->sampler_state;


I believe the source of confusion is coming from the fact that in GLSL the uniforms used to identify which texture image unit to sample from (and how) are called sampler[...] . 我相信混淆的根源来自于以下事实:在GLSL中,用于标识要从哪个纹理图像单元采样(以及如何sampler[...] )的制服被称为sampler[...] Hopefully this clears up some of the confusion so we are all on the same page. 希望这可以消除一些混乱,所以我们都在同一页面上。

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