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[英]Markers with good features for recognizing multiple objects

I am trying to localize an object by recognizing a marker the object carries on the image from the camera. 我正在尝试通过识别物体进行相机拍摄的图像来定位物体。 I am currently using ORB feature detector (that is, pyramidal FAST detector) along with BRISK descriptors. 我目前正在使用ORB特征检测器(即金字塔FAST检测器)以及BRISK描述符。

I should properly recognize 12-16 different markers (as I wish to also know the orientation of the object so I would put on each object a cube or a 3-sided prism, and I should be able to recognize 4 objects on a single scene). 我应该正确识别12-16个不同的标记(因为我也希望知道对象的方向,因此我可以在每个对象上放置一个立方体或3面棱镜,并且我应该能够在一个场景中识别4个对象)。

My question is, how do I pick markers which have good features (repeatable and unique)? 我的问题是,如何选择具有良好功能(可重复和独特)的标记?

Side-question: Am I approaching this problem in a bad way? 附带问题:我是否以一种不好的方式解决了这个问题? Is there a simpler solution? 有没有更简单的解决方案?

Thanks 谢谢

Of course there are simpler solutions. 当然,有更简单的解决方案。 They depend on the changes in your environment (eg lighting) and background (eg color composition). 它们取决于环境(例如灯光)和背景(例如颜色组成)的变化。 A simple rotation and scale invariant marker that would also tell you the pose as well as identity is a unique color combination. 一个简单的旋转和比例尺不变标记也可以告诉您姿势和身份,是一种独特的颜色组合。 Look at THIS paper paper for examples of color targets. 查看此纸上的颜色目标示例。 It describes how you start identification searching for the middle of the target where coloros are located in specific order independent of orientation. 它描述了如何开始识别以特定顺序(独立于方向)搜索coloros位于目标的中间。

To find orientation you can shape your target in a specific way or provide additional geometric cues on your target. 要找到方向,您可以以特定方式对目标进行塑形或在目标上提供其他几何提示。 I bet color targets printed on matte paper (to minimize specular reflections) will be more robust to out-of-plane rotation than ORB and much faster to detect. 我敢打赌,打印在磨砂纸上的彩色目标(以最大程度地减少镜面反射)将比ORB更加可靠地抵抗平面外旋转,并且检测速度更快。 If I am not mistaken, with 4 colors you can create 12 unique orders for color targets. 如果我没记错的话,可以使用4种颜色为颜色目标创建12个唯一的订单。

在此处输入图片说明 Certain combination of colors in nature are very rare. 自然界中某些颜色的组合非常罕见。 They don't give you 100% identity but they reduce your search space tremendously and then you can easily run verification tests to separate your target from False alarms. 它们不会为您提供100%的身份,但是会极大地减少搜索空间,然后您可以轻松运行验证测试以将目标与False警报区分开。 Though colors change with illumination you can ensure that the ones you use are "far" from each other like green and red so illumination changes cannot mix them up even if you have liberal identification thresholds. 尽管颜色随照明而变化,但是您可以确保所用的颜色彼此“相距很远”,例如绿色和红色,因此即使您具有宽泛的识别阈值,照明的变化也不会混淆它们。

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