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[英]Blur a samplerExternalOES texture in a fragment shader

I'm running a video on a OpenGL texture and applying multiple image filters to it using a fragment shader. 我正在OpenGL纹理上运行视频,并使用片段着色器对其应用多个图像滤镜。

Code snippet from the shader: 着色器中的代码片段:

 private static final String fragmentShaderCode =
        "#extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require\n" +
        "precision mediump float;" +
        "uniform samplerExternalOES texture;" +
        "varying vec2 v_TexCoordinate;" +

I'd like to also blur this, but I only found examples to blur a sampler2D texture, not a samplerExternalOES one. 我也想对此进行模糊处理,但是我只找到了一些示例来模糊sampler2D纹理,而不是samplerExternalOES

Is it possible to convert from one to the other? 是否可以从一个转换为另一个? Or how would that work? 或如何运作?

You can use this same as sampler2D . 您可以将其与sampler2D相同。 You can access texture using texture2D function itself. 您可以使用texture2D函数本身访问纹理。 Apply your blurr filter as if it was a normal texture. 像对待普通纹理一样应用模糊滤镜。 It should work. 它应该工作。

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