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[英]How do I create a covariance matrix in R from MATLAB code?

I need some help with porting MATLAB code to R. 在将MATLAB代码移植到R方面,我需要一些帮助。

Below is MATLAB code for creating the covariance matrix, where Z is a matrix of 17 columns and 27 rows. 以下是用于创建协方差矩阵的MATLAB代码,其中Z是17列27行的矩阵。 ehat is a vector of 27 rows and 1 column. ehat是27行1列的向量。


for i=1:N    

How do I replicate a for loop in R that works similarly to this MATLAB code? 我如何在R中复制与该MATLAB代码类似的for循环?

Try this code. 试试这个代码。 This essentially mirrors what the MATLAB code is doing, but I do question its efficiency. 这从本质上反映了MATLAB代码的作用,但我确实质疑其效率。 Also cols is not a function that is defined in MATLAB except for SQL tables. 此外, cols不是在MATLAB中定义的函数(SQL表除外)。 I'm assuming you want to determine the total number of columns? 我假设您要确定列总数? Use size(Z,2) for that instead. 改用size(Z,2)

In any case, for R, t denotes transpose, and to perform matrix multiplication, you must encapsulate the * operator in % signs. 无论如何,对于R, t表示转置,并且要执行矩阵乘法,必须将*运算符封装在%符号中。 As such: 因此:

omegahat <- matrix(0,ncol(Z),ncol(Z));
for (i in 1:N) { # N is 27 I suppose?
   omegahat <- omegahat + (ehat[i]^2 * Z[i,] %*% t(Z[i,]))

Here's a small test on a smaller matrix. 这是在较小矩阵上的小测试。 Supposing Z is: 假设Z为:

Z =

 1     2     3     4
 5     6     7     8
 9    10    11    12
13    14    15    16

Also, let ehat be: 另外,让ehat为:

ehat = 

1   2   3   4

I'm also going to assume N = 4 . 我还要假设N = 4

In MATLAB, this is the code to generate our output: 在MATLAB中,这是生成我们的输出的代码:

Z = vec2mat(1:16, 4);
ehat = 1:4;
N = 4;

omegahat = zeros(size(Z,2), size(Z,2)); %# Note the change
for i = 1 : N    
    omegahat = omegahat + ehat(i)^2*Z(i,:)'*Z(i,:);   

We thus get: 因此,我们得到:

omegahat =

    3534        3844        4154        4464
    3844        4184        4524        4864
    4154        4524        4894        5264
    4464        4864        5264        5664

In R, this is the code to generate our output: 在R中,这是生成我们的输出的代码:

Z <- t(matrix(1:16,4,4))
ehat <- c(1,2,3,4)
N <- 4

omegahat <- matrix(0,ncol(Z),ncol(Z))
for (i in 1:N) {
   omegahat <- omegahat + (ehat[i]^2 * Z[i,] %*% t(Z[i,]))

We thus get: 因此,我们得到:

> omegahat

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 3534 3844 4154 4464
[2,] 3844 4184 4524 4864
[3,] 4154 4524 4894 5264
[4,] 4464 4864 5264 5664

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