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[英]Getting object at location on screen in Metal

I'm using Metal and I want the user to be able to tap certain objects onscreen. 我正在使用Metal,希望用户能够点击屏幕上的某些对象。 I'm using a tap gesture recognizer, and so I have a CGPoint, but I don't know how to find the object at that point. 我使用的是轻击手势识别器,所以我有一个CGPoint,但是我不知道该如何找到对象。 Is there either a way to get the onscreen coordinates for metal, or a way to transform the CGPoint into the metal coordinate space? 有没有一种方法可以获取金属的屏幕坐标,也可以将CGPoint转换为金属坐标空间?

I ended up doing this with a raytracing-type technique. 最后,我使用了光线跟踪类型的技术。 I used a bounding sphere for each object and calculated whether or not the ray intersected it and how far from the ray's origin the intersection was, with the ray being from the camera through the onscreen point of clicking. 我为每个对象都使用了一个边界球,并计算了射线是否与它相交以及相交的距离射线原点有多远,射线是从照相机到屏幕上的单击点。 The code is as follows: 代码如下:

    var location = gestureRecognizer.locationInView(self.view)
    var proj_matrix = projectionMatrix.copy()
    var view_matrix = worldMatrix.copy()
    var x = (2.0 * location.x) / self.view.bounds.size.width - 1.0;
    var y = 1.0 - (2.0 * location.y) / self.view.bounds.size.height;
    var newLocation = simpleVertex(x: Float(x), y: Float(y), z: Float(-1.0))
    var projSpaceLoc = GLKMatrix4MultiplyVector4(GLKMatrix4Invert(proj_matrix.matrix(), nil), GLKVector4Make(newLocation.x, newLocation.y, newLocation.z, 1.0))
    projSpaceLoc = GLKVector4Make(projSpaceLoc.x, projSpaceLoc.y, -1.0, 0.0)
    var viewSpaceLoc = GLKMatrix4MultiplyVector4(GLKMatrix4Invert(view_matrix.matrix(), nil), projSpaceLoc)
    //tappable is an array of nodes that can be tapped
    for node in tappable {
        var r: Float = node.r //this is the radius of the bounding sphere for that node
        var c: GLKVector4 = node.origin //this is the origin of the bounding sphere
        var little_c = GLKVector4DotProduct(c, c) - powf(r, 2)
        var b = GLKVector4DotProduct(viewSpaceLoc, c)
        var discriminant = powf(b, 2) - little_c
        //If the discriminant is positive, their are two points of intersection, if it is 0, one point, and if it is negative, no points.
     if (discriminant >= 0) {
            var t_1 = (Float(-1.0)*b) + sqrtf(discriminant)
            var t_2 = (Float(-1.0)*b) - sqrtf(discriminant)
            if (intersect != nil) {
                if (min(t_1, t_2) < intersect.intersect_point) {
                    intersect = (node, min(t_1, t_2))
            } else {
                intersect = (node, min(t_1, t_2))

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