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[英]Slow loop R, how make it faster?

I have a list of e-mails and I would like to compare patterns (similarity) among the rows using longest common substring to compare them. 我有一封电子邮件列表,我想使用最长的公共子字符串比较行之间的模式(相似性)。

data is a data frame with e-mails: 数据是带有电子邮件的数据框:

1   "01003@163.com"
2   "cloud@coldmail.com"
3   "den_smukk_kiilar@hotmail.com"
4   "Esteban.verduzco@gmail.com"
5   "freiheitmensch@gmail.com"
6   "mitsoanastos@yahoo.com"
7   "ahmedsir744@yahoo.com" 
8   ...

This is my code: 这是我的代码:


for(i in 1:nrow(data)) {
      sample <- data[i,]
      for(j in (i+1):nrow(data)) if(i+1 <= nrow(data)) {
        if((stringdist(data[j,],sample,method='lcs'))<=3) {  #number of different characteres 3 (123.456 == 123.321)
          duplicate <- data[j,]
          email1 = as.character(data[i,])
          email2 = as.character(data[j,])
          pair <- cbind(email1, email2)
          output3[dfrow, ] <- pair
          dfrow <- dfrow + 1

and the "outupt" is a data frame showing the similar e-mails. “ outupt”是显示类似电子邮件的数据框。

         email1          email2
1   "01079@163.com" "01069@163.com"

I have 300k e-mails, this will take forever... 我有30万封电子邮件,这将永远需要...

Is there a better way to do it? 有更好的方法吗?

Thanks! 谢谢!

Here's an attempt: 这是一个尝试:


# Hypothetical data frame     
data <- data.frame(V1 = paste0(stri_rand_strings(5, 3, "[a-z]"), 
                               "@", stri_rand_strings(5, 2, "[a-z]"), ".com"), 
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Basically you create a string distance pairwise matrix, wrap it in a data frame, replace all string distances that are equal or less than 3 with the corresponding V1 value and the rest with NA . 基本上,您将创建一个字符串距离成对矩阵,将其包装在数据框中,将等于或小于3的所有字符串距离替换为相应的V1值,其余的替换为NA Then, you remove the now unnecessary V1 column, gather() the data in a tidy format and remove NA s. 然后,删除现在不再需要的V1列,以整齐的格式gather()数据并删除NA

data %>%
  data.frame(stringdistmatrix(.$V1, .$V1, useNames = TRUE, method = "lcs"), 
             row.names = NULL) %>%

#          V1 wnw.fa.com kty.hm.com brs.wk.com pib.uo.com ryu.iq.com
#1 wnw@fa.com          0         10         10         10         10
#2 kty@hm.com         10          0         10         10          8
#3 brs@wk.com         10         10          0          8          8
#4 pib@uo.com         10         10          8          0         10
#5 ryu@iq.com         10          8          8         10          0

  # here you need to replace '8' by '3' for your example
  mutate_each(funs(ifelse(. <= 8 & . != 0, V1, NA)), -V1) %>% 

#          V1 wnw.fa.com kty.hm.com brs.wk.com pib.uo.com ryu.iq.com
#1 wnw@fa.com         NA       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
#2 kty@hm.com         NA       <NA>       <NA>       <NA> kty@hm.com
#3 brs@wk.com         NA       <NA>       <NA> brs@wk.com brs@wk.com
#4 pib@uo.com         NA       <NA> pib@uo.com       <NA>       <NA>
#5 ryu@iq.com         NA ryu@iq.com ryu@iq.com       <NA>       <NA>

  select(-V1) %>%
  gather(email1, email2) %>%
  na.omit() %>%
  mutate(email1 = stri_replace_first(email1, fixed = ".", "@"))

Which gives: 这使:

#      email1     email2
#1 kty@hm.com ryu@iq.com
#2 brs@wk.com pib@uo.com
#3 brs@wk.com ryu@iq.com
#4 pib@uo.com brs@wk.com
#5 ryu@iq.com kty@hm.com
#6 ryu@iq.com brs@wk.com

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