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[英]Searching for specific genes within a large matrix, loop needs optimization

For each iteration of my code I start by finding values from a PPI network from a source of genes, which are recalculated at the end of each run. 对于我的代码的每次迭代,我首先从基因来源的PPI网络中找到值,并在每次运行结束时重新计算。 If the gene is found in either the A or B category I store both the score and gene of its completement in another location to be sorted and concatenated for further testing. 如果在A或B类别中找到了该基因,我会将其完成度的得分和基因都存储在另一个位置,以进行分类和连接以进行进一步测试。 The search process takes time and I am looking for anyway to optimize it. 搜索过程需要时间,无论如何我都在寻找优化方法。 The issue is I have begun to work with 300+ genes in a batch and three days to run a calcultion is to long. 问题是我已经开始分批处理300多个基因,而花三天时间进行演算是很长的。 Extra information the matrix is of all interaction within the PPI network totaling ~176,000X3. 额外的信息矩阵是PPI网络内所有相互作用的矩阵,总计约176,000X3。

The slow code: 慢速代码:

    DNSList = FALSE
    DNSListNameHolder = NA
    DNSListValueHolder = NA
    DNSListHolder = 0
    CN = 0
    Prev = 0
        CN = CN + 1
        IDNSList = FALSE
        CNN = Prev
            CNN = CNN + 1
            if(as.character(ForDNSList$Gene.A[CNN]) == as.character(Candidate[CN]))
                DNSListHolder = DNSListHolder  + 1
                DNSListValueHolder[DNSListHolder] = as.character(ForDNSList$Score[CNN])
                DNSListValueHolder[DNSListHolder] = as.numeric(DNSListValueHolder[DNSListHolder]) 
                DNSListNameHolder [DNSListHolder] = as.character(ForDNSList$Gene.B[CNN])
            if(as.character(ForDNSList$Gene.B[CNN]) == as.character(Candidate[CN]))
                DNSListHolder = DNSListHolder  + 1
                DNSListValueHolder[DNSListHolder] = as.character(ForDNSList$Score[CNN])
                DNSListValueHolder[DNSListHolder] = as.numeric(DNSListValueHolder[DNSListHolder]) 
                DNSListNameHolder [DNSListHolder] = as.character(ForDNSList$Gene.A[CNN])
            if(CNN == length(ForDNSList$Gene.A))
                IDNSList = TRUE
        if(CN == length(Candidate))
            DNSList = TRUE
        print(paste("Pre-DNS List in Progress",CN/length(Candidate), sep = " "))    
    print("Pre-DNS List Completed")

For Example purposes the Candidate list can be set to this 出于示例目的,可以将候选列表设置为此

Candidate = c("BRCA1", "BRCA2", "ATK1", "FYN")

The ForDNSList is long so here is a small excerpt to get the idea of how to list looks. ForDNSList很长,因此这里有一个小节选,以了解如何列出外观。 It is more/less random if the gene I am searching for is in gene column A or B. 如果我要搜索的基因在基因列A或B中,则它的随机性或多或少。

> ForDNSList[1:50, 1:3]
     Gene.A     Gene.B Score
1    Q96BE0     POLR3A 0.126
2    Q96BE0      PDPK1 0.126
3    Q96BE0      MGEA5 0.126
4    Q96BE0     DNAJA2 0.126
5    Q96BE0     DNAJB6 0.126
6    Q96BE0       BAG4 0.126
7    Q96BE0     HSPA4L 0.126
8     THAP1 A0A024RA76 0.332
9    Q96BE0       BAG2 0.236
10   Q96BE0       BAG3 0.236
11   Q96BE0       EGFR 0.236
12   Q96BE0        MOS 0.126
13   Q96BE0       RAF1 0.126
14   Q96BE0     GABRB1 0.126
15   Q96BE0       GNAZ 0.126
16    MS4A7      HMGCL 0.286
17   Q96BE0     ATP5A1 0.126
18   Q96BE0     DNAJA1 0.126
19     DVL3      PPM1A 0.210
20   Q96BE0       MCM5 0.126
21   Q96BE0       MCM7 0.126
22   Q96BE0      HSPA4 0.126
23   Q96BE0      PSMC2 0.126
24   Q96BE0       GNAL 0.126
25   Q96BE0        AMT 0.126
26    MECP2      SOX18 0.286
27   Q96BE0     CSNK1E 0.126
28   Q96BE0       ST13 0.126
29  CSNK2A1       MYH9 0.454
30   Q96BE0       CDK9 0.126
31   Q96BE0     SEC24C 0.126
32   TUBA4A       MYH9 0.081
33   Q96BE0      HSPA2 0.236
34   Q96BE0      PRAME 0.126
35   Q96BE0      FANCC 0.126
36   Q96BE0       HSF2 0.126
37      KDR      MYO1C 0.126
38   Q96BE0      HCFC1 0.126
39   Q96BE0      RAD51 0.126
40      KDR        FYN 0.210
41   Q96BE0      PSMD2 0.126
42   Q96BE0       SKP2 0.126
43      KDR        MET 0.376
44   Q96BE0      IKBKE 0.126
45   Q96BE0      ENDOG 0.126
46   Q96BE0      GNA13 0.126
47   TSG101      EIF3L 0.183
48   Q96BE0     SETDB1 0.126
49   Q96BE0      CDK10 0.126
50 HSP90AB1     TNNI3K 0.126

Thanks to an above suggestion I removed a loop and replaced it with two match() arguements. 由于以上建议,我删除了一个循环,并用两个match()争论代替了它。 The orginal code took about 196 seconds do the first iterations, whereas this took only 20.4 seconds 原始代码执行第一次迭代大约需要196秒,而仅花费20.4秒

    Nx = 0
DNSListNameHolder = NA
DNSListValueHolder = NA
DNSListHolder = 0
CN = 0
Prev = 0
system.time(while(Nx < length(ForDNSList$Gene.A))
    Nx = Nx + 1
    #Check if Gene A is a candidate disease gene
        #if so push the holder one furter and fill the secondary varaibles with the complement and score info
        DNSListHolder = DNSListHolder  + 1
        DNSListValueHolder[DNSListHolder] = as.character(ForDNSList$Score[CNN])
        DNSListValueHolder[DNSListHolder] = as.numeric(DNSListValueHolder[DNSListHolder]) 
        DNSListNameHolder [DNSListHolder] = as.character(ForDNSList$Gene.B[CNN])
    #Check if Gene B is a candidate disease gene
        #if so push the holder one furter and fill the secondary varaibles with the complement and score info
        DNSListHolder = DNSListHolder  + 1
        DNSListValueHolder[DNSListHolder] = as.character(ForDNSList$Score[CNN])
        DNSListValueHolder[DNSListHolder] = as.numeric(DNSListValueHolder[DNSListHolder]) 
        DNSListNameHolder [DNSListHolder] = as.character(ForDNSList$Gene.A[CNN])

It's best to use one of the apply functions--I think they're optimized to use multiprocessing, so with more cores, your operations with apply will probably go faster. 最好使用apply函数之一-我认为它们已经过优化,可以使用多处理,因此有了更多的内核,您使用apply的操作可能会更快。 And, besides, using functions is probably better than using loops, as it's more modular and easier to code for. 此外,使用函数可能比使用循环更好,因为它更具模块化且易于编码。

Here's an example from my own code, showing a partial implementation of the "outlier-resistant" Z-score algorithm: 这是我自己的代码中的示例,显示了“离群值” Z分数算法的部分实现:

rw <- assays(sum_exp)$fpkm

    #remove genes that have zero counts
    rw <- rw[apply(rw, 1, function(x){return (sum(x)>0)}),]

    sample_means <- apply(rw, 2, function(x){median(x[x>0])})
    z_median <- median(sample_means)
    z_mad <- mad(sample_means)
    z_scores <- unlist(lapply(sample_means, function(x) {return ((x - z_median)/(z_mad))}))

If you want to conceptualize it, think of the possibility that you want to modify more than one element in one iteration of a for loop, like a loop implementing Fibonacci. 如果要对其进行概念化,请考虑可能要在for循环的一次迭代中修改多个元素,例如实现Fibonacci的循环。 R cannot optimize a loop in parallel because it cannot isolate each row/column/element. R无法并行优化循环,因为它无法隔离每个行/列/元素。 With apply , sapply , and lapply , you can make the assumption that each row/column/element will be computed in isolation, and therefore, it's safe to divide the work among different cores. 使用applysapplylapply ,您可以假设每行/每一列/每个元素都是独立计算的,因此可以安全地将工作划分到不同的核心之间。

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