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[英]How to filter genes in matrix based on quantile cutoff?

This is a matrix with some example data: 这是一个包含一些示例数据的矩阵:

                  S1        S2       S3
ARHGEF10L       11.1818   11.0186  11.243
HIF3A            5.2482   5.3847   4.0013
RNF17            4.1956      0        0
RNF10            11.504   11.669.  12.0791
RNF11            9.5995   11.398    9.8248
RNF13            9.6257  10.8249    10.5608
GTF2IP1         11.8053  11.5487    12.1228
REM1             5.6835   3.5408    3.5582
MTVR2               0     1.4714      0
RTN4RL2          8.7486   7.9144    7.9795
C16orf13        11.8009   9.7438    8.9612
C16orf11            0        0         0
FGFR1OP2          7.679   8.7514    8.2857
TSKS             2.3036    2.8491   0.4699

I have a matrix "h" with 10,000 genes as rownames and 100 samples as columns. 我有一个矩阵“ h”,其中有10,000个基因作为行名,而100个样本作为列。 I need to select top 20% highly variable genes for clustering. 我需要选择排名前20%的高度可变的基因进行聚类。 But I'm not sure about what I gave is right or not. 但是我不确定我给的是对还是错。

So, for this filtering I have used genefilter R package . 因此,对于此过滤,我使用了genefilter R软件包

varFilter(h, var.func=IQR, var.cutoff=0.8, filterByQuantile=TRUE)

Do you think the command which I gave is right to get top 20% highly variable genes? 您认为我给出的命令是否正确才能获得前20%的高度可变基因? And can anyone please tell me how this method works in a statistical way? 谁能告诉我这种方法如何以统计方式起作用?

I haven't used this package myself, but the helpfile of the function you're using makes the following remark: 我自己没有使用过此包,但是您正在使用的函数的帮助文件有以下说明:

IQR is a reasonable variance-filter choice when the dataset is split into two roughly equal and relatively homogeneous phenotype groups. 当数据集分为两个大致相等且相对同质的表型组时,IQR是一个合理的方差过滤器选择。 If your dataset has important groups smaller than 25% of the overall sample size, or if you are interested in unusual individual-level patterns, then IQR may not be sensitive enough for your needs. 如果数据集中的重要组小于总样本量的25%,或者您对不寻常的个人级别模式感兴趣,则IQR可能不够敏感,无法满足您的需求。 In such cases, you should consider using less robust and more sensitive measures of variance (the simplest of which would be sd). 在这种情况下,您应该考虑使用不太可靠且比较敏感的方差度量(最简单的方法是sd)。

Since your data has a bunch of small groups, it might be wise to follow this advice to change your var.func to var.func = sd . 由于您的数据有很多小组,因此遵循此建议将var.func更改为var.func = sd可能是明智的。

sd computes the standard deviation , which should be easy to understand. sd计算标准偏差 ,这应该很容易理解。

However , this function expects its data in the form of an expressionSet object. 但是 ,此函数期望其数据以expressionSet对象的形式出现。 The error message you got ( Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function 'exprs' for signature '"matrix"' ) implies that you don't have that, but just a plain matrix instead. 您收到的错误消息( Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function 'exprs' for signature '"matrix"' )意味着您没有这个,而只是简单的矩阵代替。

I don't know how to create an expressionSet , but I think that doing that is overly complicated anyways. 我不知道如何创建一个expressionSet ,但是我认为这样做太复杂了。 So I would suggest going with the code that you posted in the comments: 因此,我建议您使用注释中发布的代码:

vars <- apply(h, 1, sd)
h[vars > quantile(vars, 0.8), ] 

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