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[英]Passing an arbitrarily sized object to a fragment shader using a UniformBuffer in Glium

My question came up while experimenting with a bunch of different techniques, none of which I have much experience with. 我在尝试一系列不同的技术时提出了我的问题,但我没有多少经验。 Sadly, I don't even know whether I'm making a silly logic mistake, whether I'm using the glium crate wrong, whether I'm messing up in GLSL , etc. Regardless, I managed to start a new Rust project from scratch, working towards a minimal example showing my issue, and the problem reproduces on my computer at least. 可悲的是,我甚至不知道我是否犯了一个愚蠢的逻辑错误,我是否正在使用glium crate错误,我是否搞乱了GLSL等等。无论如何,我设法从一个新的Rust项目开始从头开始,朝着显示我的问题的最小例子努力,问题至少在我的计算机上重现。

The minimal example ends up being difficult to explain, though, so I first make an even more minimal example which does do what I want it to do, albeit by hacking bits and being limited to 128 elements (four times 32 bits, in a GLSL uvec4 ). 最小的例子最终难以解释,所以我首先做一个更小的例子来做我想做的事情,虽然通过黑客攻击并限制为128个元素(四次32位,在GLSL uvec4 )。 From this, the step up to the version in which my problem arises is rather simple. 从这一点来看,我的问题出现的版本的步骤非常简单。

A working version, with simple uniform and bit-shifting 一个工作版本,具有简单的uniform和位移

The program creates a single rectangle on the screen, with texture coordinates from 0.0 to 128.0 horizontally. 该程序在屏幕上创建一个矩形,水平纹理坐标从0.0128.0 The program contains one vertex shader for the rectangle, and a fragment shader that uses the texture coordinates to draw vertical stripes on the rectangle: if the texture coordinate (clamped to an uint ) is odd, it draws one color, when the texture coordinate is even, it draws another color. 该程序包含一个用于矩形的顶点着色器,以及一个片段着色器,它使用纹理坐标在矩形上绘制垂直条纹:如果纹理坐标(夹在一个uint )是奇数,它会绘制一种颜色,当纹理坐标是甚至,它画出了另一种颜色。

// GLIUM, the crate I'll use to do "everything OpenGL"
extern crate glium;

// A simple struct to hold the vertices with their texture-coordinates.
// Nothing deviating much from the tutorials/crate-documentation.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Vertex {
    position: [f32; 2],
    tex_coords: [f32; 2],

implement_vertex!(Vertex, position, tex_coords);

// The vertex shader's source. Does nothing special, except passing the
// texture coordinates along to the fragment shader.
const VERTEX_SHADER_SOURCE: &'static str = r#"
    #version 140

    in vec2 position;
    in vec2 tex_coords;
    out vec2 preserved_tex_coords;

    void main() {
        preserved_tex_coords = tex_coords;
        gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);

// The fragment shader. uses the texture coordinates to figure out which color to draw.
const FRAGMENT_SHADER_SOURCE: &'static str =  r#"
    #version 140

    in vec2 preserved_tex_coords;
    // FIXME: Hard-coded max number of elements. Replace by uniform buffer object
    uniform uvec4 uniform_data;
    out vec4 color;

    void main() {
        uint tex_x = uint(preserved_tex_coords.x);
        uint offset_in_vec = tex_x / 32u;
        uint uint_to_sample_from = uniform_data[offset_in_vec];
        bool the_bit = bool((uint_to_sample_from >> tex_x) & 1u);
        color = vec4(the_bit ? 1.0 : 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

// Logic deciding whether a certain index corresponds with a 'set' bit on an 'unset' one.
// In this case, for the alternating stripes, a trivial odd/even test.
fn bit_should_be_set_at(idx: usize) -> bool {
    idx % 2 == 0

fn main() {
    use glium::DisplayBuild;
    let display = glium::glutin::WindowBuilder::new().build_glium().unwrap();

    // Sets up the vertices for a rectangle from -0.9 till 0.9 in both dimensions.
    // Texture coordinates go from 0.0 till 128.0 horizontally, and from 0.0 till
    // 1.0 vertically.
    let vertices_buffer = glium::VertexBuffer::new(
        &vec![Vertex { position: [ 0.9, -0.9], tex_coords: [  0.0, 0.0] },
              Vertex { position: [ 0.9,  0.9], tex_coords: [  0.0, 1.0] },
              Vertex { position: [-0.9, -0.9], tex_coords: [128.0, 0.0] },
              Vertex { position: [-0.9,  0.9], tex_coords: [128.0, 1.0] }]).unwrap();
    // The rectangle will be drawn as a simple triangle strip using the vertices above.
    let indices_buffer = glium::IndexBuffer::new(&display,
                                                 &vec![0u8, 1u8, 2u8, 3u8]).unwrap();
    // Compiling the shaders defined statically above.
    let shader_program = glium::Program::from_source(&display,

    // Some hackyy bit-shifting to get the 128 alternating bits set up, in four u32's,
    // which glium manages to send across as an uvec4.
    let mut uniform_data = [0u32; 4];
    for idx in 0..128 {
        let single_u32 = &mut uniform_data[idx / 32];
        *single_u32 = *single_u32 >> 1;
        if bit_should_be_set_at(idx) {
            *single_u32 = *single_u32 | (1 << 31);

    // Trivial main loop repeatedly clearing, drawing rectangle, listening for close event.
    loop {
        use glium::Surface;
        let mut frame = display.draw();
        frame.clear_color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
        frame.draw(&vertices_buffer, &indices_buffer, &shader_program,
                   &uniform! { uniform_data: uniform_data },

        for e in display.poll_events() { if let glium::glutin::Event::Closed = e { return; } }

But this isn't good enough... 但这还不够好......

This program works, and shows the rectangle with alternating stripes, but has the clear limitation of being limited to 128 stripes (or 64 stripes, I guess. The other 64 are "the background of the rectangle"). 这个程序工作,并显示交替条纹的矩形,但有明确的限制,限制为128条纹(或64条纹,我猜。其他64条是“矩形的背景”)。 To allow arbitrarily many stripes (or, in general, to pass arbitrarily much data to a fragment shader), uniform buffer objects can be used, which glium exposes . 为了允许任意多个条带(或者,通常,将任意多个数据传递给片段着色器),可以使用均匀的缓冲对象这是glium暴露的 The most relevant example in the glium repo sadly fails to compile on my machine: the GLSL version is not supported, the buffer keyword is a syntax error in the supported versions, compute shaders in general are not supported (using glium, on my machine), and neither are headless render contexts. glium repo中最相关的例子遗憾地无法在我的机器上编译:不支持GLSL版本, buffer关键字在支持的版本中是语法错误,一般不支持计算着色器(在我的机器上使用glium) ,无头渲染上下文。

A not-so-much working version, with buffer uniform 一个不太多的工作版本,缓冲区uniform

So, with no way of starting from that example, I had to start from scratch using the documentation. 因此,无法从该示例开始,我必须从头开始使用文档。 For the example above, I came up with the following: 对于上面的例子,我想出了以下内容:

// Nothing changed here...
extern crate glium;

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Vertex {
    position: [f32; 2],
    tex_coords: [f32; 2],

implement_vertex!(Vertex, position, tex_coords);

const VERTEX_SHADER_SOURCE: &'static str = r#"
    #version 140

    in vec2 position;
    in vec2 tex_coords;
    out vec2 preserved_tex_coords;

    void main() {
        preserved_tex_coords = tex_coords;
        gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);
// ... up to here.

// The updated fragment shader. This one uses an entire uint per stripe, even though only one
// boolean value is stored in each.
const FRAGMENT_SHADER_SOURCE: &'static str =  r#"
    #version 140
    // examples/gpgpu.rs uses
    //     #version 430
    //     buffer layout(std140);
    // but that shader version is not supported by my machine, and the second line is
    // a syntax error in `#version 140`

    in vec2 preserved_tex_coords;

    // Judging from the GLSL standard, this is what I have to write:
    layout(std140) uniform;
    uniform uniform_data {
        // TODO: Still hard-coded max number of elements, but now arbitrary at compile-time.
        uint values[128];
    out vec4 color;

    // This one now becomes much simpler: get the coordinate, clamp to uint, index into
    // uniform using tex_x, cast to bool, choose color.
    void main() {
        uint tex_x = uint(preserved_tex_coords.x);
        bool the_bit = bool(values[tex_x]);
        color = vec4(the_bit ? 1.0 : 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

// Mostly copy-paste from glium documentation: define a Data type, which stores u32s,
// make it implement the right traits
struct Data {
    values: [u32],

implement_uniform_block!(Data, values);

// Same as before
fn bit_should_be_set_at(idx: usize) -> bool {
    idx % 2 == 0

// Mostly the same as before
fn main() {
    use glium::DisplayBuild;
    let display = glium::glutin::WindowBuilder::new().build_glium().unwrap();

    let vertices_buffer = glium::VertexBuffer::new(
        &vec![Vertex { position: [ 0.9, -0.9], tex_coords: [  0.0, 0.0] },
              Vertex { position: [ 0.9,  0.9], tex_coords: [  0.0, 1.0] },
              Vertex { position: [-0.9, -0.9], tex_coords: [128.0, 0.0] },
              Vertex { position: [-0.9,  0.9], tex_coords: [128.0, 1.0] }]).unwrap();
    let indices_buffer = glium::IndexBuffer::new(&display,
                                                 &vec![0u8, 1u8, 2u8, 3u8]).unwrap();
    let shader_program = glium::Program::from_source(&display,

    // Making the UniformBuffer, with room for 128 4-byte objects (which u32s are).
    let mut buffer: glium::uniforms::UniformBuffer<Data> =
              glium::uniforms::UniformBuffer::empty_unsized(&display, 4 * 128).unwrap();
        // Loop over all elements in the buffer, setting the 'bit'
        let mut mapping = buffer.map();
        for (idx, val) in mapping.values.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            *val = bit_should_be_set_at(idx) as u32;
            // This _is_ actually executed 128 times, as expected.

    // Iterating again, reading the buffer, reveals the alternating 'bits' are really
    // written to the buffer.

    // This loop is similar to the original one, except that it passes the buffer
    // instead of a [u32; 4].
    loop {
        use glium::Surface;
        let mut frame = display.draw();
        frame.clear_color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
        frame.draw(&vertices_buffer, &indices_buffer, &shader_program,
                   &uniform! { uniform_data: &buffer },

        for e in display.poll_events() { if let glium::glutin::Event::Closed = e { return; } }

I would expect this to produce the same striped rectangle (or give some error, or crash if something I did was wrong). 我希望这会产生相同的条纹矩形(或者给出一些错误,如果我做的事情是错误的话会崩溃)。 Instead, it shows the rectangle, with the right-most quarter in solid bright red (ie, "the bit seemed set when the fragment shader read it") and the remaining three quarters darker red (ie, "the bit was unset when the fragment shader read it"). 相反,它显示矩形,最右边的四分之一为实心明亮的红色(即,“当片段着色器读取它时,该位似乎设置了”),其余四分之三则显示为深红色(即“该位未设置为片段着色器读取它“)。

Update since original posting 自原始发布以来更新

I'm really stabbing in the dark here, so thinking it might be a low level bug with memory ordering, endianness, buffer over-/underrun, etc. I tried various ways of filling 'neighboring' memory locations with easily discernible bit-patterns (eg one bit in every three set, one in every four, two set followed by two unset, etc.). 我真的在黑暗中刺伤,所以认为它可能是一个低级错误,内存排序,字节顺序,缓冲区溢出/欠载等等。我尝试了各种方法用容易辨别的位模式填充“相邻”内存位置(例如,每三组中有一位,每四位一组,两组后跟两组未设置等)。 This did not change the output. 这没有改变输出。

One of the obvious ways to get memory 'near' the uint values[128] is to put it into the Data struct, just in front of the values (behind the values is not allowed, as Data 's values: [u32] is dynamically sized). 其中一个明显的方式来获得内存“近”的uint values[128]就是把它变成了Data结构,只是在前面的values (后面values是不允许的,因为Datavalues: [u32]是动态大小)。 As stated above, this does not change the output. 如上所述,这不会改变输出。 However, putting a properly filled uvec4 inside the uniform_data buffer, and using a main function similar to the first example's does produce the original result. 但是,将一个正确填充的uvec4放在uniform_data缓冲区中,并使用类似于第一个示例的main函数产生原始结果。 This shows that the glium::uniforms::UniformBuffer<Data> in se does work. 这表明glium::uniforms::UniformBuffer<Data> 在本质上 确实工作。

I've hence updated the title to reflect that the problem seems to lie somewhere else. 因此,我更新了标题,以反映问题似乎在其他地方。

After Eli's answer 在Eli的回答之后

@Eli Friedman's answer helped me progress towards a solution, but I'm not quite there yet. @Eli Friedman的回答帮助我朝着解决方案的方向前进,但我还没到那里。

Allocating and filling a buffer four times as large did change the output, from a quarter filled rectangle to a fully filled rectangle. 分配和填充四倍大的缓冲区确实改变了输出,从四分之一填充矩形到完全填充矩形。 Oops, that's not what I wanted. 糟糕,这不是我想要的。 My shader is now reading from the right memory words, though. 不过,我的着色器现在正在阅读正确的记忆词。 All those words should have been filled up with the right bit pattern. 所有这些单词都应该填充正确的位模式。 Still, no part of the rectangle became striped. 尽管如此,矩形的任何部分都没有变成条纹。 Since bit_should_be_set_at should set every other bit, I developed the hypothesis that what was going on is the following: 由于bit_should_be_set_at应该设置每隔一位,我提出了一个假设,即发生的事情如下:

Bits: 1010101010101010101010101010101010101
Seen: ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   
What it looks like: all bits set

To test this hypothesis, I changed bit_should_be_set_at to return true on multiples of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. The results coincide with my hypothesis: 为了验证这个假设,我改变了bit_should_be_set_at以在bit_should_be_set_at和8的倍数上返回true 。结果与我的假设一致:

Bits: 1001001001001001001001001001001001001
Seen: ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   
What it looks like: first bit set, then repeating two unset, one set.

Bits: 1000100010001000100010001000100010001
Seen: ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   
What it looks like: all bits set

Bits: 1000010000100001000010000100001000010
Seen: ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   
What it looks like: first bit set, then repeating four unset, one set.

Bits: 1000001000001000001000001000001000001
Seen: ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   
What it looks like: first bit set, then repeating two unset, one set.

Bits: 1000000100000010000001000000100000010
Seen: ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   
What it looks like: first bit set, then repeating six unset, one set.

Bits: 1000000010000000100000001000000010000
Seen: ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   
What it looks like: first bit set, then every other bit set.

Does this hypothesis make sense? 这个假设有意义吗? And regardless: does it look like the issue is with setting the data up (at the Rust side), or with reading it back out (at the GLSL side)? 无论如何:看起来问题是设置数据(在Rust端),还是将其读回(在GLSL端)?

The issue you're running into has to do with how uniforms are allocated. 您遇到的问题与如何分配制服有关。 uint values[128]; doesn't have the memory layout you think it does; 没有你认为的内存布局; it actually has the same memory layout as uint4 values[128] . 它实际上具有与uint4 values[128]相同的内存布局uint4 values[128] See https://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/ARB/uniform_buffer_object.txt sub-section 请参阅https://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/ARB/uniform_buffer_object.txt第2.小节。

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