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[英]How to combine 3d meshes incrementally

I'm using xbox kinect as my sensor and I'm trying to create a 3d map from it. 我将xbox kinect用作传感器,并尝试从中创建3d地图。 Currently I am able to generate point clouds from its depth sensor. 目前,我能够从其深度传感器生成点云。 Once we get the point cloud, it can be converted to a triangle mesh. 一旦获得点云,就可以将其转换为三角形网格。 The problem is we will get multiple 3d meshes and we need to somehow detect the overlap among all the meshes and create one single mesh. 问题是我们将获得多个3d网格,并且需要以某种方式检测所有网格之间的重叠并创建一个网格。

How do I detect the overlap and combine all the meshes into one mesh? 如何检测重叠并将所有网格合并为一个网格? Are there good algorithms that I can use? 我可以使用好的算法吗?

My suggestion is to convert this map into gradient map. 我的建议是将此地图转换为渐变地图。 Wherever there is a high gradient pixel, it means it is a boundary. 只要有高梯度像素,就表示它是边界。

Then, separate the map by the boundaries you calculate before. 然后,将地图与之前计算出的边界分开。

Now you should have good separation between objects. 现在,您应该在对象之间建立良好的分隔。

Finally, you can apply your mesh algorithms on the separated maps. 最后,您可以在分离的地图上应用网格算法。

(Hope I've understood you well) (希望我对你很了解)

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