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[英]How to differentiate between translation did not exist or the translation is the same as source?

I am using QCoreApplication::translate() to translate text. 我正在使用QCoreApplication::translate()来翻译文本。

I am trying to understand whether a string has a translation. 我试图了解字符串是否有翻译。

Qt documentation states: Qt文档说明:

If none of the translation files contain a translation for sourceText in context, this function returns a QString equivalent of sourceText . 如果没有翻译文件在上下文中包含sourceText的翻译,则此函数返回与sourceText等效的QString

The problem I am facing is that I am getting results similar to this: 我面临的问题是我得到的结果与此类似:


Where source and translation are the same. 来源和翻译是相同的。

In many languages, the translation is indeed same as the source. 在许多语言中,翻译确实与来源相同。 But if translate("Side") returns "Side" , I can't tell whether the translation was exactly "Side" or whether the translation was empty. 但如果translate("Side")返回"Side" ,我无法判断翻译是否完全是"Side"或翻译是否为空。

How can I differentiate between the two cases? 如何区分这两种情况?

AFAIK there is no way to differentiate between the two cases through a QTCoreApplication::translate call. AFAIK无法通过QTCoreApplication::translate调用区分这两种情况。

However, QTranslator::translate returns a null QString when the key is not found (Qt 5). 但是,当找不到密钥时, QTranslator::translate返回空QString (Qt 5)。 So one option would be to keep a container around with every QTranslator you've added through installTranslator() (since QCoreApplication doesn't have a way to get those back). 因此,一种选择是通过installTranslator()添加每个QTranslator来保持容器(因为QCoreApplication没有办法让它们回来)。 Then, loop through that container, calling QTranslator::translate() on each instance in the container. 然后,遍历该容器,在容器中的每个实例上调用QTranslator::translate() When you get a non-empty result, you found a translation; 当你得到一个非空的结果时,你找到了一个翻译; if no translator succeeded, then you know the key doesn't exist in any QTranslator you have. 如果没有翻译成功,那么你知道你所拥有的任何QTranslator中都不存在密钥。

psuedo-code: 伪代码:

bool hasTranslation(const char* key)
  QString result;
    return false;

  for(const auto& translator : translators)
    result = translator->translate("context", key);
  return !result.isNull();

AFAIK, there is no way. AFAIK,没有办法。 The translate function works in the following way: it iterates over all the translators that are available for the application, and tries to translate the source text with each of them. translate函数以下列方式工作:它遍历可用于应用程序的所有翻译器,并尝试使用每个翻译器翻译源文本。 If it succeeds, it immediately breaks out of the loop and returns the translated text. 如果成功,它会立即突破循环并返回已翻译的文本。 If the aforementioned loop has finished, but the translation has not been found, it returns the source text in a form of a QString: 如果上述循环已完成,但尚未找到转换,则它以QString的形式返回源文本:

QString QCoreApplication::translate(const char *context, const char *sourceText,
                                    const char *disambiguation, Encoding encoding, int n)
    QString result;

    if (!sourceText)
        return result;

    if (self && !self->d_func()->translators.isEmpty()) {
        QList<QTranslator*>::ConstIterator it;
        QTranslator *translationFile;
        for (it = self->d_func()->translators.constBegin(); it != self->d_func()->translators.constEnd(); ++it) {
            translationFile = *it;
            result = translationFile->translate(context, sourceText, disambiguation, n);
            if (!result.isEmpty())

    if (result.isEmpty()) {
        if (encoding == UnicodeUTF8)
            result = QString::fromUtf8(sourceText);
        else if (QTextCodec::codecForTr() != 0)
            result = QTextCodec::codecForTr()->toUnicode(sourceText);
            result = QString::fromLatin1(sourceText);

    replacePercentN(&result, n);
    return result;

If you really need to be able to know if the translation could be found, you would have to subclass QTranslator class and override it's translate() function (since the translate() in QCoreApplication is non-virtual). 如果你真的需要知道是否可以找到翻译,你必须QTranslator类并覆盖它的translate()函数(因为QCoreApplicationtranslate()是非虚拟的)。

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