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[英]Rotate empty object around center

I manually (from editor) create empty object with boxes. 我手动(从编辑器)创建带有框的空对象。 It rotate around center. 它绕中心旋转。 But if I create same object with boxes from script. 但是,如果我使用脚本中的框创建相同的对象。 It rotate around unknown point for me. 对我来说,它绕着未知的点旋转。 I found the cause. 我找到了原因。 It happening because boxes has scale (0.1, 0.2, 0.1). 发生这种情况是因为盒子的比例为(0.1,0.2,0.1)。 If I set (1,1,1) - it work. 如果我设置(1,1,1)-它可以工作。 How to fix it? 如何解决? I want small boxes. 我要小盒子。

var wall = new GameObject();
    //wall.transform.parent = room.transform;
    wall.transform.name = "Wall";
    wall.transform.position = new Vector3(0,0,0);

    for (int x = -3; x < width-3; x++)
        for (int y = -3; y < height-3; y++)
            var plate = Instantiate(SimplePlate);

            var pos = plate.transform.position;
            float posZ = pos.z - (x * plate.transform.lossyScale.z);
            float posY = pos.y + (y * plate.transform.lossyScale.y);

            var newPos = new Vector3(0, posY, posZ);
            plate.transform.position = newPos;
            plate.transform.parent = wall.transform;
            plate.name = "Plate " + x;

You could create another empty GameObject and stuff your box inside. 您可以创建另一个空的GameObject并将其填充到其中。 Then rotate the parent you just created? 然后旋转刚刚创建的父级?

Also, how can you rotate an object with a scale of (0,0,0). 另外,如何旋转比例为(0,0,0)的对象。 Did you mean (1,1,1)? 您是说(1,1,1)吗?

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