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使用 pwr 和 R 进行多元回归的功效分析

[英]Power analysis for multiple regression using pwr and R

I want to determine the sample size necessary to detect an effect of an interaction term of two continuous variables (scaled) in a multiple regression with other covariates.我想确定在与其他协变量的多元回归中检测两个连续变量(缩放)的交互项的影响所需的样本量。

We have found an effect where previous smaller studies have failed.我们发现了之前小型研究失败的效果。 These effects are small, but a reviewer is asking us say that previous studies were probably underpowered, and to provide some measure to support that.这些影响很小,但审稿人要求我们说以前的研究可能不足,并提供一些措施来支持这一点。

I am using the pwr.f2.test() function in the pwr package, as follows:我使用的是pwr包中的pwr.f2.test()函数,如下:

pwr.f2.test(u = nominator, v = denominator, f2 = effect size, sig.level = 0.05, power = 0.8) , and the denominator I set to NULL so I can get sample size. pwr.f2.test(u = nominator, v = denominator, f2 = effect size, sig.level = 0.05, power = 0.8) ,以及我将分母设置为 NULL 以便我可以获得样本大小。

Here is my model output from summary() :这是我从summary()模型输出:

                   Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)        -21.2333    20.8127   -1.02  0.30800    
age                  0.0740     0.0776    0.95  0.34094    
wkdemand             1.6333     0.5903    2.77  0.00582 ** 
hoops                0.8662     0.6014    1.44  0.15028    
wtlift               5.2417     1.3912    3.77  0.00018 ***
height05             0.2205     0.0467    4.72  2.9e-06 ***
amtRS                0.1041     0.2776    0.37  0.70779    
allele1_numS        -0.0731     0.2779   -0.26  0.79262    
amtRS:allele1_numS   0.6267     0.2612    2.40  0.01670 *  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 7.17 on 666 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.0769,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.0658 
F-statistic: 6.94 on 8 and 666 DF,  p-value: 8.44e-09

And the model effects sizes estimates from modelEffectSizes() function in lmSupport package:模型效果大小估计来自lmSupport包中的modelEffectSizes()函数:

                         SSR df pEta-sqr dR-sqr
(Intercept)          53.5593  1   0.0016     NA
age                  46.7344  1   0.0014 0.0013
wkdemand            393.9119  1   0.0114 0.0106
hoops               106.7318  1   0.0031 0.0029
wtlift              730.5385  1   0.0209 0.0197
height05           1145.0394  1   0.0323 0.0308
amtRS                 7.2358  1   0.0002 0.0002
allele1_numS          3.5599  1   0.0001 0.0001
amtRS:allele1_numS  296.2219  1   0.0086 0.0080

Sum of squared errors (SSE): 34271.3
Sum of squared total  (SST): 37127.3

The question:问题:

What value do I put in the f2 slot of pwr.f2.test() ?我在pwr.f2.test()的 f2 插槽中放了什么值? I take it the numerator is going to be 1, and I should use the pEta-sqr from modelEffectSizes() , so in this case 0.0086?我认为分子将是 1,我应该使用modelEffectSizes()的 pEta-sqr,所以在这种情况下是 0.0086?

Also, the estimated sample sizes I get are often much larger than our sample size 675 - does this mean we were 'lucky' to have picked up a significant effects (we'll only detect them 50% of the time, given the effect size)?此外,我得到的估计样本量通常比我们的样本量 675 大得多——这是否意味着我们“很幸运”获得了显着影响(考虑到影响大小,我们只会在 50% 的时间内检测到它们) )? Note that I we have multiple measures of different things all pointing to the same finding, so I'm relatively satisfied there.请注意,我对不同事物的多种测量都指向同一个发现,所以我对那里比较满意。

What value do I put in the f2 slot of pwr.f2.test()?我在 pwr.f2.test() 的 f2 槽中放了什么值?

For each of pwr functions, you enter three of the four quantities ( effect size , sample size , significance level , power ) and the fourth will be calculated (1).对于每个pwr功能,你进入三四个量(影响大小样本大小显着性水平功率)和第四的将被计算(1)。 In pwr.f2.test u and v are the numerator and denominator degrees of freedom.pwr.f2.test uv是分子和分母的自由度。 And f2 is used as the effect size measure.并且f2用作效果大小的度量。 Eg you will put there an effect size estimate.例如,您将在那里放置一个效果大小估计。

Is pEta-sqr the correct 'effect size' to use? pEta-sqr 是要使用的正确“效果大小”吗?

Now, there are many different effect size measures.现在,有许多不同的效应量度量。 Pwr uses specifically Cohen´s F 2 and it is different from pEta-sqr, so I wouldn´t recommend it. Pwr专门使用 Cohen 的F 2 ,它与 pEta-sqr 不同,所以我不推荐它。

Which effect size measure I could use then?那么我可以使用哪种效应量度量?

As @42- mentioned, you could try to use delta-R 2 effect, which in your output variables is labeled “dR-sqr”.正如@42- 提到的,您可以尝试使用 delta-R 2效果,它在您的输出变量中被标记为“dR-sqr”。 You could do this with variation of Cohen's f 2 measuring local effect size which was described by Selya et al.您可以使用由 Selya等人描述的 Cohen's f 2测量局部效应大小的变化来做到这一点 (2012). (2012)。 It uses the following equation:它使用以下等式:


In the equation, B is the variable of interest, A is the set of all other variables , R 2 AB is the proportion of variance accounted for by A and B together (relative to a model with no regressors), and R² A is the proportion of variance accounted for by A (relative to a model with no regressors).在等式中, B是感兴趣的变量, A是所有其他变量的集合,R 2 ABAB共同占方差的比例(相对于没有回归量的模型),R² AA占方差的比例(相对于没有回归量的模型)。 I would do as @42- suggested – eg build two models, one with the interaction and one without and use their delta-R 2 effect size.我会按照@42- 的建议去做——例如建立两个模型,一个有交互,一个没有,并使用它们的 delta-R 2效应大小。

Importantly, as @42- correctly pointed out, if the reviewers ask you if prior studies were underpowered, you need to use the sample sizes of those studies to make any power calculation.重要的是,正如@42- 正确指出的那样,如果审稿人问您之前的研究是否功效不足,您需要使用这些研究的样本量来进行功效计算。 If you are using parameters of your own study, first of all you already know the answer – that you did have sufficient power to detect a difference, and second, you are doing it post hoc which also doesn´t sound correct.如果您使用自己研究的参数,首先您已经知道答案——您确实有足够的能力来检测差异,其次,您是事后进行的,这听起来也不正确。

  1. https://www.statmethods.net/stats/power.html https://www.statmethods.net/stats/power.html
  2. Selya et al., 2012: A Practical Guide to Calculating Cohen's f2, a Measure of Local Effect Size, from PROC MIXED. Selya 等人,2012:计算 Cohen's f2 的实用指南,一种局部效应大小的度量,来自 PROC MIXED。 Front Psychol .前心理 2012;3:111. 2012;3:111。

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