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[英]How to specify squaring the difference of two unsigned numbers in Chisel3?

Here is one way do it that seems ugly. 这是一种看似难看的方式。

class DiffSquared extends Module {
  val inputWidth = 8
  val width = 16
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val X = Input(UInt(inputWidth.W))
    val M = Input(UInt(inputWidth.W))
    val Out = Output(UInt(width.W))
  val x = Wire(UInt((inputWidth+1).W))
  val m = Wire(UInt((inputWidth+1).W))
  x := io.X
  m := io.M
  val diff = Wire(SInt((inputWidth+1).W))
  diff := x.asSInt - m.asSInt
  io.Out := (diff*diff).asUInt

What is a better way to zero-extend the UInt to a 9 bit SInt, do the difference, square it, and represent the result as a 16 bit UInt? 什么是将UInt归零到9位SInt的更好方法,做差异,将其平方,并将结果表示为16位UInt?

Since no one bit, here is a slight improvement. 既然没有一点,这里有一点点改进。 Should we add a zero extension method to UInt to make this better? 我们应该向UInt添加零扩展方法以使其更好吗? Is there already one there? 那里已经有一个吗?

class DiffSquared extends Module {
  val inputWidth = 8
  val width = 16
  val io = IO( new Bundle{
    val X = Input(UInt(inputWidth.W))
    val M = Input(UInt(inputWidth.W))
    val Out = Output(UInt(width.W))
  def zX(w:UInt) = Wire(UInt((w.getWidth+1).W),init=w).asSInt
  val diff = Wire(init=zX(io.X)-zX(io.M))
  io.Out := (diff*diff).asUInt

There's a useful function here: zext that zero extends a UInt to an SInt of the UInt's width + 1. Thus you could write the code as: 这里有一个很有用的功能: zextUI扩展为UInt宽度+ 1的SInt。因此,您可以将代码编写为:

class DiffSquared extends Module {
  val inputWidth = 8
  val width = 16
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val X = Input(UInt(inputWidth.W))
    val M = Input(UInt(inputWidth.W))
    val Out = Output(UInt(width.W))
  val diff = io.X.zext() - io.M.zext()
  io.Out := (diff*diff).asUInt

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