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[英]Numpy: Convert RGB flat array to matrix

I have an array containing the RGB values of all pixels in an image. 我有一个数组包含图像中所有像素的RGB值。 Supposing a 4x4 image, the array is of size 48, where the first 16 values are the red values, the next 16 are the green and the last 16 are the blue: 假设一个4x4图像,阵列大小为48,其中前16个值是红色值,接下来的16个是绿色,后16个是蓝色:

[r0, r1, ..., r15, g0, g1, ..., g15, b0, b1, ..., b14, b15]

Now I want to convert that array to a 4x4 matrix with depth 3 in this form: 现在我想将这个数组转换为深度为3的4x4矩阵:

[[[r0, g0, b0], ..., [r3, g3, b3]],
 [[r12, g12, b12], ..., [r15, g15, b15]]]

To do so, I am doing a reshape + transpose + reshape : 为此,我正在进行reshape + transpose + reshape

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

N = 4
rrggbb = numpy.random.randint(0, 255, size=N*N*3, dtype='uint8')
imgmatrix = rrggbb.reshape((3, -1)).transpose().reshape((N, N, 3))



Is there a more efficient/short way to do that? 有没有更有效/简短的方法呢? (ie: with less reshaping/transposing) (即:重塑/转置较少)

Here is an option with one step less: 这是一个少一步的选项:

rrggbb.reshape((3, N, N)).transpose((1,2,0))
(rrggbb.reshape((3, N, N)).transpose((1,2,0)) == imgmatrix).all()
# True

Or you can use np.moveaxis to move axis 0 to the last axis: 或者您可以使用np.moveaxisaxis 0移动到最后一个轴:

np.moveaxis(rrggbb.reshape((3, N, N)), 0, -1)

(np.moveaxis(rrggbb.reshape((3, N, N)), 0, -1) == imgmatrix).all()

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